
Infinite ammo enabled, utsfx added.

UTSFX is acceptable too. It doesn't change the gameplay and it really is just a small addition.
wow (jail servr}
edited 1×, last 25.01.16 05:47:44 pm

dum dum duuum if u dont know what doghouse is
[Q] Fęnix*Prison
Lasers, hats, Lua and no default maps or default game mode (it uses TDM). It's chaos.
Also that prison server @ - [Q]Doghouse - reason: weird non standard map - [Q] Fênix - reason: prison and awp maps - [Q]WHITE.TEAM - reason: aim maps
If anyone knows the owners / or if the owners of the servers see this:
Please remove the [Q]uickplay tag from servers with custom things on them. I will remove your server's IP from the blacklist then.

All of them have aim maps.

Please: If anyone knows the responsible guys tell them whats going on and that they have to stop this otherwise I'll blacklist all of their IPs...

What the hell?! Where do all these servers come from?! STOP IT PEOPLE! 

Some people will always fuck up this feature.