
"You're an asshole!" - "No, I'm not." - "Oh, excuse me, I guess you aren't, my bad." See how stupid that is?
I would also suggest

Yates is nice, however he sometime trolls, not to mention that he sometime posts meaningless "memes" posts. He is a funny yet unreliable person.
I think you have mistaken him for me, lel. No really, that description doesn't fit Mr. porn Gay at all.

I like VADemon, he's a cool guy and very nice, well..
Demon for Moderator!!

Vote for @

edited 1×, last 07.11.15 08:18:49 pm
i think he would be a great choice for cleaning file archive. plus he has experience with mapping and a lot of experience with scripting and whatnot.
edited 4×, last 07.11.15 10:29:13 pm
I don't know any of the members you suggested since I am not an active user here.
But yeah, a few more mods won't hurt. DC can always keep them on trial, see how things work out.

Anyway, I'd like to see

As far as mod elections, I recommend my boy. @

edited 1×, last 08.11.15 01:07:29 pm