
Haha dude do you even believe that?
You know what, do whatever you want to. I gave you a good solution, if you don't use it and Gajos fucks with your server again it's your own fault. Think about that before you post again because right now I'm getting pretty damn tired of you asking for help but ignoring everything I say - which other people said was the best option for you.

I might be able to help you, if you contact me very soon. Requirement: ~1 hour time, Skype screensharing/Teamviewer + ProcessExplorer (a better task manager). I do not guarantee that I will find that exact virus, but I'm pretty sure though that you will have unwanted shit in your system.
PM me your skype address in case of interest.
w0w citylife has few-steps verification system for admins. I added this verification because I disabled

1. USGN ID check
2. IP check
3. Password
So, example:
1. Player login with USGN ID that is registered as admin in that server. That means point 1 passed and server will try to do point 2. If point 2 fails, it goes to point 3 instead.
2. The server performs IP check. If it matches the first and the second number of the IP(<number>.<number>.*.*) then point 2 passed and that player given an admin access
3. Show message "Sorry, we don't know that you've been logged in with this IP before(<user IP here>). Type !verify <password> to gain admin access".
I hope my explanation can give you idea how to protect your admin access.
edited 1×, last 14.10.15 05:21:03 pm
Admin/mod comment

I never said I wont do a reset, I'm attempting to backup files...

PM Sent.


Find a better place to be bored in please...

No comment...

When you already have problems

Read this (or comparable articles) to learn more about safe passwords: http://www.lockdown.co.uk/?pg=password_guide

You assume that you have malware which is sending stuff to the attacker?
This can be handled in at least three ways:
1. Check the task manager / running processes (see above).
2. Install a good software firewall which always asks for permission before allowing any traffic (annoying in long term but cool to find the bad program)
3. (this is for advanced users) Install software which allows you to read out all internet traffic. e.g.: https://www.wireshark.org/
edited 1×, last 14.10.15 07:22:23 pm
Gajos has a hack that he can use to fake USGN IDs on CS2D.
edited 1×, last 14.10.15 09:17:44 pm

Gajos has a hack that he can use to fake USGN IDs on CS2D.
You could before (when I was active in CS2D), don't know whether it's still possible. Better ask

Gajos has a hack that he can use to fake USGN IDs on CS2D.
I doubt this.



@Dark Night
All of these got hacked!
It makes no sense. If I would have made a working USGN ID changer and I were going to target servers I'd change my USGN ID to the owner of the server. Not a mod and a member. Come on.
By the way:

Stop using cheats and Gajos won't hack your usgn anymore. Problem solved

Yup, just ban him.
SheeL stated you were using hacks, Gajos even said "yup" to confirm this. The first sign he has a tool on your PC.

Do you remember Gajos hisotry? he also got hacked and now he want to do it some else.
"He also got hacked" (Gajos is referring to himself), indicates he didn't hack his way into USGN, but again that he just has a tool on your PC.
And then there's this:
[16:11:44] Adrian Gajos: dont tell to he do hardreset
[16:11:52] Adrian Gajos: it's unnecessary
[16:11:52] Adrian Gajos: it's unnecessary
Implying that he has a tool on your PC which sends him data. If he could really change his USGN ID he'd say:
[16:11:44] Adrian Gajos: dont tell to he do hardreset
[16:11:52] Adrian Gajos: it won't help
[16:11:52] Adrian Gajos: it won't help
Which he didn't. So reset your PC already, Gajos won't tell you where the tool is.
Fws isn't targetted. The only targeted areas are -Hawk-s' and

The one who hacked these two people's USGNs


And lastly,

In short terms;
Gajos affected => {

Both have different IPs. There's a probability that they're either the same people or that they're acquaintances.

This is not tested in all detail because it's really difficult to test. So there might be ways to trick the system.
It's not possible to simply login into the website account though - unless you have the password of course.

ok lets read what i said above again k?
This, Is, Gajos.

I'm sorry for the inconvenience. I don't know how he does it so I can't fix it.

edited 2×, last 15.10.15 12:48:57 am