SpriNG has written
GeoB99 ! I knew you had it!
User does not exist: Oh please, just look at his activity and posts!
What's the special? Best of luck buddy.
Ps: dont remove me from ur friend request now.
tek69: I am his close friend and i know alot about him, and I can tell you that he deserves it! Think whatever the crap u wanna think, cuz that's what trolls are for. @
SpriNG: I am asking a proper question with readable English, Learn to read kiddo. Admin/mod comment
By the way, is not necessary to quote the user's post which is above you. /
Evaldas has written
Get rekt Yates fan boys..

It shall never be nor would I want to be. You think I could act civil towards most of the users here? - Not gonna happen
Yates: Please forgive him my lord. He doesn't deserve your attention.
ZxC tried really hard, he deserved this.
Now lets see if he is responsible enough to keep this rank. I'm confident he'll do it well. 1uP User
congratz u deserve it
atleast @
GeoB99: Profile picture isnt crappy
Admin/mod comment
That's because a little birdy told him to change it. XoOt Super User
Just one question.. why him and not me?
jk, he deserved it somehow.
Atleast i got another profilepic for
CY Reviewer
makes me wonder how can I earn super spriter title. lel @
CY: 1853 likes, it makes me wonder how haven't you been promoted to Super User. ok zxc new moderator whats so special about it ? ryx-aria deserves new mod look at his files
nice @
GeoB99: Cungratz mate... Am so speechless.. Good luck..
Regards, your friend lilia @
rokeliuxas: You definetly have no idea what a moderator is/does nor in based to what facts we choose them. Agree with @
Starkkz: .. Do not judge before you know what you are talking about... @
rokeliuxas: I bet you don't know anything about My friend ZxC..
Checking in from time to time, this ain't no Stranded III... but hey, congratulations on your new rank! Congratz , to celebrate that , i invite everyone to my house to make a party, there will be girls , drinks , boys(for special guys only) and drugs !!! Join me we will smock weed together.
Oh srsly congratulations. @
rokeliuxas: Moderators don't get their rank from their files.
Oh, that sounds fun.
Seekay has written
Uh, when did that happen, and why? I thought we had enough mods already. Does this mean a certain infamous mod gets demodded *wink wink*?
Hahaha, jealous? @
Black Wolf: No? I'm just wondering. DC said no more mods, and suddenly there's a new mod. Kinda weird, but the more people cleansing the file archive the better I guess.