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English [SUGGESTION] Donation Package

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old closed [SUGGESTION] Donation Package

User Off Offline

Hey guys and remember ( " THIS IS ONLY A SUGGESTION " )
dont take it seriously

And user DC take a look on ma suggestion

So its like a Donation Package

1$ For " X " Rank example VIP

Yeah here's the list i want to suggest ( you can change the name { if this suggestion gets real } )

----[ VIP ]----
1. Gets VIP Rank On Forum
2. Etc.

----[ VIP+ ]----
1. Gets Permission To Blah Blah
2. Etc.

----[ DONATOR ]----
1. Gets Permission To Add DC At The Friendlist

yeah like that

old Re: [SUGGESTION] Donation Package

Admin Off Offline

Okay, I took a look at it and I think it's better to not take it seriously.
edited 1×, last 13.06.15 01:45:15 pm

old Re: [SUGGESTION] Donation Package

Moderator Off Offline

And what's your purpose?
Honestly, I don't take this suggestion/thread seriously but I don't see any common sense whatsoever.

old Re: [SUGGESTION] Donation Package

User On Online

WTF it's this s**t? -.-
Are you serious?- i think not, who could buy text that replaces your "User" state to "VIP" ? -.- or "VIP+"
I take it as biggest ass i've seen here ..
a lot of stupid kids exists here may buy it and make from this site Asshole if you get'em some permissions -.-
/I could be banned for this, but -.- i've nothing else to say..

old Re: [SUGGESTION] Donation Package

User Off Offline

@user lennon: I would double that twice, and one more time for @user Mora: .
This must be a joke... Right? That is one hell of a joke... No. I think that your idea is worthless. ( Trying to be as nice as possible, obviously is pretty hard to )

old Re: [SUGGESTION] Donation Package

Admin Off Offline

I think you guys are a bit too harsh with this idea. It's certainly no reason to start behaving like an asshole. It's a good thing to reward people for donating.

The problem is that it turns "donating" to "buying". You pay to get a stupid rank. That's just wrong. It would make sense with much higher values e.g. you become a "Supporter" as soon as you donate at least 50$.

This way you could be sure that kids aren't donating super low amounts just to get ranks. And I hope that nobody spends 50$ just to get a rank here.

Don't get me wrong: I appreciate every donation but a donation also means work for me because I have to accept it, write a personal thank you mail and also maybe add the person to the donations list. Going through this whole process just for a few cents isn't worth the time. Consider that PayPal also takes fees for donations. I commonly even reject low donations like 1$ because of that.

old Re: [SUGGESTION] Donation Package

User Off Offline

@user DC: I thought the donation itself is a reward for your work. Anyway, you've just listed why we're so harsh over his idea.
@user apex2d: This is not about someone's English skills. I am sorry if we made you feel bad, but think of what we feel seeing this thread too.

old Re: [SUGGESTION] Donation Package

User Off Offline

@user Pseudon: Telling him to get the "Forum Idiot" or "Asshole" rank is completely needless and moronic.
Why can't you just tell him the idea is utter bullshit instead of making ill-witted insults at an attempt to look badass?

Hate what the person does, don't hate the person himself.

old Re: [SUGGESTION] Donation Package

User Off Offline

@user J192: Oh god... "an attempt to look badass?" . The only thing I want to ask you is... Why do you try to provoke me? I am more of a loser than a badass anyway. ( and everybody knows it )

old Re: [SUGGESTION] Donation Package

Admin Off Offline

Could you both please stop it? We have rules for good reasons. Focus on the topic and don't post if you don't want to say something about the actual topic (use PM then or don't write anything). No OT discussion and kid flaming stuff. Okay thanks bye.

old Re: [SUGGESTION] Donation Package

User Off Offline

user Pseudon has written
@user J192: Oh god... "an attempt to look badass?" . The only thing I want to ask you is... Why do you try to provoke me? I am more of a loser than a badass anyway. ( and everybody knows it )

dont mind about that j guy he's just jealous

old Re: [SUGGESTION] Donation Package

Super User Off Offline

A little quiet thanks to @user DC: goes from me (really noticed that you thought about my pm)

I dont like the donation idea aswell, as user Rainoth said donating is a sort of being grateful but unreal software doesnt need it as much as most of you expect. So dc tries to keep it in the background so everyone isnt forced to donate just to get any profit on forums or smth like that.
edited 1×, last 13.06.15 05:13:38 pm
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