Saadi has written
drice27 has written
Bush can burn in hell!!!
i beleve its true that with the bomb
Look at this Silent_Control!
He is right!
Look at this he's wrong!
Bush is OK but why blameing him for bombing stuff?
Stop cursing about Bush! let me guess u r republican? May you stop to flame around?
The last post with any arguments is quite a while ago and the others are just posts with content like "Bush is good!111one" and "FUCK Bush, he is a dumbass"
Everyone has his opinion, you may discuss, but you may not bash the others because of their political point of view (Thats called freedom of the speech) without any arguments.
I agree with bizzl. If this 911 theory is true, then Bielefeld doesn't exist and THEY brainwashed relatives of mine because they already were there (Sry, it's a German in-joke about conspiration theorys
) Quote
@Shannon: I know and said that there are exceptions, especially from the western parts of the USA (I have some lose connections there), but after all I heard those are only one third or less of all american citizens. You also have to admit that the most people who are in charge there tend to be a bit... crazy from the europeen point of view.
But I admit that I was a bit to fast with my opinion.
, I just considered your statement to affronting.
A Democrat once stated online: most republicans aren't obnoxios, their politicians is a different thing. I guess, that's the point.
Besides, there is a variety of good reasons to despise Bush.
For instance stealing his way into office, being a serial liar (keyword iraq war, weapons of mass destruction), enacting tax cuts benefiting the haves and causing poverty in the US to a massive scale.
So there is no need to ridicule oneself with these made up assumptions. bizzl has written
Dicker has written
Saadi has written
This is the real Bu§h:
No, Bush is NOT a nazi. He might have doine many things rthat are not good, but you can't compare him with Hitler

Ditto. Bush is a jackass, but nazis aren't jackasses. They are a catastrophe to mankind.
BTW, could you (everyone in the world) stop this 9/11 shit?
I knwo it was hard (I was shocked myself when it happened), but it's now over six years ago! We shall go on and should not conspirate about this. That's even worse then those problems some people had with the moon landing.
Conspiracy? People who actually believe this stuff is just completely weird. Yes, it's a but suspicious but that does not mean he did it... I mean really, it was over 5 years ago, right? Get over this... if someone would tell the german people that they look like hitler the german people would be angry. So stop it with Bush!
george W Bush is the president of the United states, he would never plant a bomb! Sry i think what i will say will be flame but if you think that he planted the bomb that means that you are idiots He would, plant it because he wants to go to iraq and those places for the oil....
and im not saying all republican ppl r like that.....
AND now everyone is complaining that bush won the election...... when they voted him in twice
silent is right because this is just a self-created movie!
Amir is right!
With the Oil he is right, the stupid troops went to Iraq, because they sayed there is an ATOMIC bomb in iraq, but there was NO stupid atomic BOMB!
They just wanted this Oil!
The war is just because os the Oil!
If the Oil wasnt there they would not go there in their life!
That is MY opinion! Saadi has written
the stupid troops went to Iraq
First: The troop do this to earn money and feed their family. They are not stupid. The government which gives them orders is stupid.
Saadi has written
With the Oil he is right, the stupid troops went to Iraq, because they sayed there is an ATOMIC bomb in iraq, but there was NO stupid atomic BOMB!
They just wanted this Oil!
The war is just because os the Oil!
If the Oil wasnt there they would not go there in their life!
True, but what has the war in Iraq to do with the so-called "Bomb" on the aircraft? He should also have done the war without 911, the "911-war" was that war in Afghanistan in my opinion.
And he didn't say it was a atomic bomb, he said there were chemical weapons. But that was also not true, so you're also right in this point, but between an atomic and a chemical bomb there is a large difference
And another point: Do they really get the oil? Iraq is still an independent state, no-one has to give the US the oil, and the people who own the oilfields still own them.
I really don't want to defend Bush, but your arguments are really bad and (to say it in bizzls world) really chewed out. Bush can't be voted a third time, Rumsfeld is already not in government anymore and the Democrats took the parliament (Is that true? I don't know the American constitution as well and don't know if it was the parliament...). This is a good development and the rest doesn't matter anymore. They just could leave their troops there, the militant Iraqis otherwise would harm the civilians more than the soldiers do...
This does not differ from Germany, here are also many people annoyed of the government
Dicker has written
Saadi has written
the stupid troops went to Iraq
First: The troop do this to earn money and feed their family. They are not stupid. The government which gives them orders is stupid.
*Quotation removed by "HW" *
I didn`t mean the troops, I meaned the man who started the war.
HW has written
DON'T quote such giant posts if you relate only to a small part of it! Especially if you're post will be very small. /HW
Sry I did not see that!
edited 4×, last 16.01.07 05:52:21 pm
Admin/mod comment
DON'T quote such giant posts if you relate only to a small part of it! Especially if you're post will be very small. /HW Silent_Control has written
if someone would tell the german people that they look like hitler the german people would be angry. So stop it with Bush!
what has "to look like hitler" todo with "bush is a jackass"?
I really don't get the point. If you mean
Silent_Control has written
george W Bush is the president of the United states, he would never plant a bomb!
Being president of the USA and so called "Leader of the free world" (that sucks most!) doesn't make him a person of higher moral. Power corrupts.
Silent_Control has written
Sry i think what i will say will be flame but if you think that he planted the bomb that means that you are idiots
Everyone is free to think and believe everything he wants,s o let it be.
Can we stop know? I think I have to throw up because of this shit (posts and topic)
Bush has been secretly planting microchips while we sleep.
Bush is realy Sadam and he wants to take over the world.
Bush has kept the body of Hitler so he could live again in the future.
Here is a little theory for you all
munx has written
Bush has been secretly planting microchips while we sleep.
to less time avail for that.
munx has written
Bush is realy Sadam and he wants to take over the world.
munx has written
Bush has kept the body of Hitler so he could live again in the future.
Hitlers body got burnt, sorry. first i agree they went in Irak for the oil they were masked by saving some people.
second bush is not terrorist
third hitler is a cruel guy
fourth osama bin Laden IS NOT bush's friend (it doesnt say it in this forum but isomeone suggested it in a post here) I think they attacked Iraq for the oil only on Kuwait (srry dont know how to spell it) crisis. I think in 2003 they just found an excuse to take down an old enemy - Sadam (in my opinion it's good, 1 dictator less in the world). Dicker has written
True, but what has the war in Iraq to do with the so-called "Bomb" on the aircraft? He should also have done the war without 911, the "911-war" was that war in Afghanistan in my opinion.
he planted the bomb for a scapegoat so it wont look like he went for no reason. right no people are yelling and complaining because bush is sending more troops. there are millions who think that bush is the real terrorist. He planted the bomb at the tip of the plane so as soon as it hit the building it will blow up.
and about the people on board the plane.... he didn't give a f*** about them only money, oil and himself. Ameer925 has written
Dicker has written
True, but what has the war in Iraq to do with the so-called "Bomb" on the aircraft? He should also have done the war without 911, the "911-war" was that war in Afghanistan in my opinion.

he planted the bomb for a scapegoat so it wont look like he went for no reason. right no people are yelling and complaining because bush is sending more troops. there are millions who think that bush is the real terrorist. He planted the bomb at the tip of the plane so as soon as it hit the building it will blow up.
and about the people on board the plane.... he didn't give a f*** about them only money, oil and himself.
Money, oil and himself ? wtf ? He will get the same president salary, from war with Iraq the oil price has gone up, and what would he gain for himself from that ?
And all those votes for the demokrates show that most of the people in USA dont want all those troops in Iraq.
+ blowing those buildongs and planes just drained alot of money from the govermant. I dont see any point for Bush to blow up a plane full of people.
DUH. Please, Armeer, tell me:
Who's gonna give Bush money for it?
Who's gonna give him or the American economy the oil of Iraq (I already explained this in one of my last posts)?
The only thing that he would have got were more public interest in his person, but... OMG he's the president of the United States, he doesn't need more publicity!!!
And if there had been a bomb (+fuel!!) on the plane, the building hadn't taken that much time to collapse.
I'm surprised that you really think that this theory is true... I thought it was a joke of you. The examinations of that case would have revealed the facts to the whole world.