
english comics
18 replies

Many jokes just have their special funniness (sorry, I don't know a better word...) just because of the language.
But you can just look at the pictures and imagine what is happening. Even if they were translated they would not have any sense anyway. Maybe I will translate the first, but don't expect to much

its ok for me if they stay german

But I warn you: I made it just with paint and I'm not good at translating.
I split the whole thing up in 3 parts:
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
The buttons on every picture mean Back and Net, I saw no need to translate them too
(@German: Is "suspense-packed" the right word for "spannend", I looked the word up, but I didn't find anything. Could I also use "Tensioned"?)

Dicker has written
(@German: Is "suspense-packed" the right word for "spannend", I looked the word up, but I didn't find anything. Could I also use "Tensioned"?)
I would translate it as 'exciting' :P.

Now my translation is really shitty, I don't know how to translate Mr. Paragraph's "Beamtendeutsch"

Split up in two parts with each 6 pictures
Part 1
Part 2
Translation of Part 3 is in progress

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
edited 4×, last 05.01.07 03:19:33 pm
the last part is funny when mr. branch fly out of the vechicle and die

Murphy's Laws strike back:
You always WILL make at least one spelling error.
Especially if you've looked up an essantial word, you will spell it wrong.

Thanks for the info, I could have sweard that you spell it with 'e'
It will be corrected if I translate other episodes (stress on if)

Re: english comics
Guest3 out of...,
3 out of 16.
he turns int a zombie.,.im noy revveling te rest
stupid keyboard..,.,.......jammed up
Re: english comics