
Yeah. It's actually a great idea. Also, add back the rule violation counter and add a temp ban counter which shows up how many times you've been banned and what's the total time of the bans. Would be pretty neat.

@Ontopic: I've been removing some files that have proportionally more comments than likes, and of course with a low quantity of likes.

I really loved how DC basically sounded "omg that's actually a pretty good idea".
One question though. Do we have a thread for such suggestions ? I'm pretty sure that if there's one then this is not the place.

Jolly Mc Nuggets has written
It's already obvious who abuses shit all the time.
Yeah? Who is the person(s) "who abuses all of the time"?

..but I have a question (I don't know if is off topic or on topic but whatever) :
What about the kids more accounts? I mean more kids have here more than 1 account. What we do with them? Nobody ban them multiple accounts?
Also. It should be "Jolly ol' Mc Nuggets". Since "ol'" stands for "old", which is an attribute(adjective). Unlike "Mc".
I remember getting banned once for writing someones name in somewhat rude way.
I wonder. Do they also ban ass lickers for doing such things? Because you sure didn't get banned for off-topic(1st page).
Of course. Now we all have went off-topic. So it doesn't matter.


What about the kids more accounts? I mean more kids have here more than 1 account. What we do with them? Nobody ban them multiple accounts?
Yeah we do, we ban multiple accounts all the time - provided we actually find out about them. We can't sift through all of the 90000+ accounts just to find doubles.

Hmmm. Warning level. Would be great if there was a system like that. People with many warnings could get longer temp bans and eventually a community ban (or idiot mode ?).
Funny how we should return to what we had before. We already had a warning system, though it was just warnings that were displayed on the profile page, nothing more. Perhaps if it were to be redone this time around...


It ofc won't stop everyone from Multi accounting, but it will stop some.

Wow, you one captain obvious.

EngiN33R: Simple. Keep a record of IP adresses. If two or more accounts have been registered from the same IP. They show up. You can investigate them afterwards. Because there might be 2 people using the same IP. Also the IPs the account has been used from.
It ofc won't stop everyone from Multi accounting, but it will stop some.

It ofc won't stop everyone from Multi accounting, but it will stop some.
We have that system already. I wasn't talking about technological limitations, I was saying that we can't possibly investigate each and every account in the system to look for doubles. If we see suspicious behaviour, or if suspicious behaviour is reported to us, then we do investigate and see whether they were registered/accessed from the same IP address(es).

I should probrably stop for today.

Infinite Rain: Atleast I didn't go full retard 

Are you sure? Lol.

@user Raining Mammoths: No. My life would be over if I'd get a Com. ban. I'd suicide rather than not seeing u guys. U all r so epic.