
Who is the worst moderator?
Only registered users are allowed to vote
BlazingNote | 2.16% (3) | |
EngiN33R | 4.32% (6) | |
KimKat | 7.19% (10) | |
Lee | 0.72% (1) | |
Leiche | 1.44% (2) | |
ohaz | 23.74% (33) | |
Starkkz | 4.32% (6) | |
Zeroarcanus | 5.04% (7) | |
All | 5.76% (8) | |
No one | 45.32% (63) |
139 votes cast

Hopefully you'll get better soon enough, also change your attitude for that long post It's boring to read them all, well best future for you.
Come on guys, moderators ain't gonna see who voted who. Don't be afraid. Tell the truth. It's a free board.. Don't try to be their favorable ones. It is not how it's supposed to be.


1.some of them(not all)do what their friends like them to do and they sometimes remove your posts/files because one of their friends don't like it
2.some of them are really RUDE!i mean it's a forum it have it's own rules and i haven't see any forum with some impolite mods.i see it every day that a mod insult another person for a file or a post(DOnt be and asshole,dont be a bla bla.dont act like ....)when you act like that members think they can too.
3.to be honest after a long time being a member here this forum is just getting worst.i remember when i came here for first day everybody was so polite and friendly.people didnt say shit about your files and everybody was appreciative

these are all my opinions if you hate them i don't really care.

I for sure wouldn't insult anyone for what they post or upload anyhow. That's all misinterpretations if so. You need to take into account the english in the post in order to really understand what a moderator means. I doubt they're being genuinly mean to you. They rather wants you to improve as a individual and a creator. I personally don't understand that this could happen without any evidence whatsoever, so you're either accusing some mods for something they haven't done or you're actually having a point. I could only see it like that. Obviously those who violate the rules will get violations, even us moderators if we do something wrong at times. It's only human to make mistakes. It's nothing to be afraid of really.

and i think using something like (don't act like a ...) for a mod is just hilarious.as mod they should do all rules in their best way.and you maybe say "i haven't seen any mod act like that and you are accusing them..." you say that because you are not that kind of mod but some mods are really that way.
and i don't have enough credit here to convince you that i'm not accusing people.
but maybe you're really right.
Don't get why you are mod, never post, never moderate as much (or little) as the others. Your forum experience here is bad so you misunderstand the rules and emphasis in peoples posts.

I do take your criticism regarding my understanding of peoples posts but at times they write things very improper that no one is capable of understanding them or they have more or less diffuse wording. That's all.

I just wish we could all get along better else Unreal Software would go down hill which shows pretty much now if we as a community can't even be nice to eachother which is a very basic thing to do. For some reason some users has turned their back on eachother. That I cannot understand. I mean show some love don't hate on one another it's not cool to be mean to one another especially when having no reason to that's kind of illogical.
For some reason some users has turned their back on eachother. That I cannot understand. I mean show some love don't hate on one another it's not cool to be mean to one another especially when having no reason to that's kind of illogical.
close comments for file archive,and likes,just let ppl share and others download.when a file is good ppl will download it why do we need likes?
and about comments:they are just the best way for trolling others,making the file maker disappointed.


Yates: you are really annoying person

What! Really? No fucking shit, it's because I open my mouth and actually tell people what I'm thinking instead of being some kid uploading shit and posting random crap.

if i were in kimkats shoes
KimKat has no shoes, sir failalot.

i would temp ban you.you always act like a mod in forum
The next quote contradicts this as a moderator doesn't spam and insult people.

spam under file archives,you insult people,... you are just a member
Er what? So you are saying if someone uploads something shit you want me to take it serious and post something decent which the uploader won't listen to anyway? Nah, I'd rather have fun and take the piss whilst not actually breaking rules. My posts follow topic of upload or uploaders comments.
Your whole post is random and was not thought about upon typing that crap. This is why I act like a dick, to teach you not to act like a pathetic idiot all the time. If you ask me, I bet I got people to mature the fuck up which are now providing decent posts and uploads to the forum, my criticism on things may be harsh, but it works like a charm.

I personally believe Unreal Software should become more like Facebook
Hell no, what are you on about!?

in terms of allowing who are allowed to post what on what upload and so forth, it'd make sure no one unwanted to post on your upload.
Show me one post of mine that was judging any file in the wrong way (Simple terms for you: If the file was good, show me a post where I said it was shit).
The comment disable function is there, either use it or don't. But if people say that the upload is bad when it clearly is, don't cry and get better. There is no point in DC wasting his time for a problem that clearly lies with the uploaders and not the users.

Admin/mod comment

I'm here twice a day unless I'm out of connection.
Reasons why I'm not active:

Well, right now I'm writing this stuff, though I haven't slept 3 days.
That's how I look these days by the way.
Sending this for the people I communicated years ago on

edited 1×, last 16.08.13 01:13:25 am

May I ask what university you go to (though this is a bit off-topic)
Cool. I didn't know about Stranded 3 soundtrack

I thought you had problems in real life, but it seems you're just a really busy man

I didn't know about Stranded 3 soundtrack 

It's a concept thingy that develops quite slowly, though after experience in concerts of 2000-2500 people audience and most known sound engineers in my country, I think I could do something.
Wow, we have a star here.
You have a bright and 'blazing' future ahead of ya.
You're my new hero.

It's a concept thingy that develops quite slowly, though after experience in concerts of 2000-2500 people audience and most known sound engineers in my country, I think I could do something.
Wow, we have a star here.
You have a bright and 'blazing' future ahead of ya.
You're my new hero.
That's something nostalgic for me. Unfortunately for you, it's not English.
3 months old concert excerpt video:
edited 1×, last 16.08.13 09:03:44 am