Yates has written
.. he bans them right when they are all in the middle of spam ..
But there's still one question: Why don't DC permanent ban them? Those who just constantly post offensive/spam posts.
I know at least two of those people who comes to Unreal Software just to have "fun" as they say. Because DC is the "good guy". He belives that everyone can change. Now I don't really want to sound stupid, but who are these two peopl who come to US.de just to have "fun"? @
You and Fireman, but you, at least, don't create worthless and stupid threads. And yeah, I have to say that you have more chances of "changing" rather than Fireman. It's funny. I don't really like Fireman/Useigor. I don't even know why we're in the same Skype group constantly chatting.
About me. I don't really want to "change". I don't see how I can "change". Admin/mod comment
Please stick to the point. /Starkkz I agree with Yates.
TKD/Ohaz is one of the best mods, or maybe even the best, on US.de.
I should know too, after all he was the one who banned me the most, with DC in 2nd place and Leiche 3rd.
I kinda think KimKat is a sloppy mod, no offense. In the thread
Favorite My Little Pony main character for example he's violating the rules and gets away with it while others who do the same get banana'd. Kinda not fair.
Yates has written
To get mod status, do what phenixemo did - Take the file archive as topic and say you can make it better but won't do shit anyway and cry instead.
What I would give to have a moderator who moderates file archive properly
Seekay has written
I kinda think
KimKat is a sloppy mod, no offense. In the thread
Favorite My Little Pony main character for example he's violating the rules and gets away with it while others who do the same get banana'd. Kinda not fair.
That tells us one thing: everybody (of the mods) understand Teh Rules in their own way. Avo User
Our inactive mods

All moderators are good in their own way. It have to be mentioned, that they are volunteers, they moderate in their freetime, their moderatorship isn't their work.
Moderators have offline life (I bet they have), so they don't want to spend every minute here, on US.de to prevent assholes from breaking the rules. By the way it's summer holiday time, so many people (mods are people, too
) spend time outside more often than in other time.
The only thing I can agree with is that File Archive could be moderated better. Forum is moderated times better than File Archive in my humble opinion.
My vote: no one. Posting in an epic thread.
Want to post my hate for KimKat, because he is surely ill. Maybe he takes drugs, but either way he has some sort of domestic disturbance. He is inadequate and must be isolated.
And eh, ohaz is a good mod, he just has more time than the others, so he is watching and giving temp. bans frequently.
All hail Leiche, the only mod with a sence of humor I can understand.
Infinite Rain has written
I know at least two of those people who comes to Unreal Software just to have "fun" as they say.
It's me. Oh noes. Admin/mod comment
No offensive content please. Best mod is Ohaz.
Worst mod is kimkat, but hes not that bad, its just sometimes he bans for reasons that don't make sense. Hell yeah, I've waited for that thread to come! And I knew that someone like
useigor would be the one to create it
But yeah, seriously, I don't care that much anymore. It just makes you want to stop caring at all, when all you try to do is making UnrealSoftware a nice place with nice people who don't flame each other and all you get for that is people flaming you. Or sending you hate messages. Or sending you posts that have been posted years ago and contain a rule violation and except you to ban the person for that. Yeah, I'm looking at you again,
But since I have the highest amount of votes I might finally be able to step down again and put my wasted time into something more useful, like university and real life. @
ohaz: Oh comon Ohaz don't go emo.
#Ohaz4ever #UnrealsoftwareNeedsYou #
put #Ohaz4ever in you signature if you support Ohaz! I'm not going emo, I'm happy about that 0a User
Well, in fact; useigor obviously voted for me as the worst moderator.
I would be seriously surprised if he didn't.
Seekay has written
I kinda think
KimKat is a sloppy mod, no offense. In the thread
Favorite My Little Pony main character for example he's violating the rules and gets away with it while others who do the same get banana'd. Kinda not fair.
I don't think that he was violating the rules, because his picture was an example. Basically his post was: "I'd pick [...]." and then the corresponding picture. Insanity's picture was clearly one comparable to a meme. And Avobolt's was probably considered to be in the same category maybe because of Avobolt has written
If I were younger I would like to cum inside Rainbow Dash. Picture above is so horny.
The most helpful moderator : KimKat, Engin33r. ( some scripts helps was also posted by Starkzz )
The most activist moderator : Ohaz. ( This was sometimes ago, not sure now )
The most greatest moderator : Everyone.
0a, i already said in the OP.

I'm not hater. By far the worst moderator was Phenixtri, though he is naturally no longer a mod. In all seriousness I'd be disappointed in the ones who voted against me. I'm actually giving quite fair violations towards users. Depending on the severity of their harsh activity on the forums/file archive, mostly petty things with 5 minute temp bans to 3 day temp bans, pretty normal stuff. As for the ones who make the big ones they're obviously given a slightly higher violation mark also depending on the level of what they've done. I wouldn't make a innocent guy marked with a violation as they've done nothing wrong.
Some of the people here at Unreal Software though are not really honest people they're known as the trolls. They basically are trolling users a whole lot when a forum is actually about being just that. A forum where people are supposed to share information regarding CS2D and create off-topic threads/topics regarding anything they'd like as long as it doesn't offend people.
This is where moderators are handy. Their assignment is basically to protect users from themselves in situations where bad things occur, such as a flame war. Someone has to prohibit that from taking place. We actually do that most of the time, but it's a tough job to manage all of these trolls in particular. I believe I'm pretty good at managing some of the flame wars but sometimes they just tend to troll even further I'm not really fond of it either but, trolls are trolls. We can only hope that the forum will become nicer by time as we moderate things more accurately and give temp bans that are fair, which I believe we all do 75% of the time at least.
But obviously the trolls wouldn't agree to anything we do, because that's their job. To troll, at that point we could only really rely on ourselves the moderators that's how I feel about all this flaming that occurs towards the moderators especially. It's like these trolls don't tend to give their honest opinion about what I actually do here on the forum. It feels a bit disrespectful and I would like the forum users to just be honest about their opinions and not to disrespect people they talk to. Because else no one would honestly listen to them, that's how I feel about all flames that are aimed at me for no particular reason whatsoever. They try their best to take me down it feels like. It feels a little bit strange on my part that they have nothing better to do during the days than to just go flaming anyone at their liking. That's what I believe is really going on when we're talking about the trolls in general.
Otherwise the other users are totally fine and mature users who upload good content and fair users in general. I see nothing bad about this at all, we should all respect eachother rather than trying to troll and bring everything down like the trolls are trying to do. But let's not allow that to happen because we all know they're just trolls with enough spare time to make you really laugh at them for being so dishonest and really annoying at the same time.
Let's try to keep it friendly, that's just what I'd like to add. If anyone agrees with me I would just like you even more. Thanks. @
KimKat: This is a reason for some users not to like you, you post too long obvious posts.
Ofc it has nothing to do with your job as a moderator, but its rly annoying.