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Who is the worst moderator?

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139 votes cast

old Re: Worst moderator (rating)

Moderator Off Offline

I'm not sure about the idea of adding new moderators but I haven't seen Blazing, KimKat and Lee enough active in the forum, as they are or might be busy men. Probably we should split the work between file archive and the forum posts.

old Re: Worst moderator (rating)


user Starkkz has written
I'm not sure about the idea of adding new moderators but I haven't seen Blazing, KimKat and Lee enough active in the forum, as they are or might be busy men. Probably we should split the work between file archive and the forum posts.

I agree with @user Starkkz: DC should split the work of moderators because the file archive is a spam.

old Re: Worst moderator (rating)

BANNED Off Offline

Since Useigor is so butt-hurt about moderators doing their job badly. He should become the only moderator for a week.
I'm pretty sure he can moderate the forums and the fail archive 24/7, and give everyone apropriate bans.

old Re: Worst moderator (rating)

User Off Offline

user Ashelin has written
@user useigor: I have nothing else to say about you.
Do you really belive that voulenteer moderators can deal with every single violations? They're not sitting at unrealsoftware every second and browsing the forums, and the file archive.
Well, user useigor would do that for sure! 24/7, who cares about real life, who cares about work or university or school or anything else. It's important to be online all the time, and not miss a single spam post!
Since Useigor is so butt-hurt about moderators doing their job badly. He should become the only moderator for a week.
I'm pretty sure he can moderate the forums and the fail archive 24/7, and give everyone apropriate bans.
Awesome idea

old Re: Worst moderator (rating)

User Off Offline

I think what KimKat say is right, i get many shit comments on my thread by Avobolt, Ashley Ming, and bird head.

Who is bird head, he make me angry till i say him like this.
That bird head guy: Seekay

old Re: Worst moderator (rating)

BANNED Off Offline

@user brofistmsia: Yes. I agree that i do make shit comments at shit files. but everything else you wrote is complete... bullshit? I don't even know what you wrote.
Obviously needs to learn more English has written
Who is bird head, he make me angry till i say him like this.
That bird head guy: Seekay
Also. You can clearly see that he hasn't got a birds head where his own should be.
It's just pure awesomesauce that you can't handle.

More >
edited 1×, last 18.08.13 09:30:38 am

old Re: Worst moderator (rating)

Reviewer Off Offline

Off-Topic stuff >

@user Xirot: Everyone has atleast 1 unfair vote.
I voted him because he sometimes violates the rules and gets away with it just because he's got that fancy Mod title. Not really fair, eh?
edited 1×, last 18.08.13 08:58:26 am

old Re: Worst moderator (rating)

User Off Offline

user DC has written
Okay, I think user useigor should become moderator to make this website a better place (and/or to let him experience how it is to be a moderator). Do you agree user useigor?

1) no

2)mods doing their job well,and they aren't paid for it,so dont expect them to do this all the day.

3)useigor vs trollers + mods,lol

4)All mods are fine

old Re: Worst moderator (rating)

User Off Offline

I feel bad for @user ohaz: for retiring, morealike because he is voted as the worst, people.. This is a volunteer "job", and every mod is trying to do their best..

Of course if they would get paid they'll be like 24/7 but,
it's not a good decision to pay moderators..
Since now I haven't seen any mod abuse, well a bit from Phenixtri, now c'mon, that guy was a real pain in the ass..

old Re: Worst moderator (rating)

User Off Offline

Thank you user ohaz for all your work, time and nerves you put into It's completely understandable that you retired, still sad though.

old Re: Worst moderator (rating)

Assassin moder
User Off Offline

What a shame that @user ohaz: retired. He was good moderator so why people vote on him? Because he stick rules and gives ban for rule violations and users don't like that. And if @user useigor: become a moderator, it will be good if he too will be stick the rules. Everything is in @user DC: decision.

old Re: Worst moderator (rating)

Assassin moder
User Off Offline

I already wrote why, of course I think that way. He was very good moderator.

BTW. this is not thread about his retiring. On us was some bad moderators and @user DC: removed them and he will do this same with actual moderators if they don't make their job properly, so why this thread has been started ?
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