Everybody seems to think that it is cool to use spoiler- or more-tags just EVERYWHERE.
The truth is that reading posts with such tags annoys everybody because it forces you to click that stupid thing.
For that reason there is even a rule about this:

But nobody seems to care. But you should care because using these things correctly makes our lifes easier and it can also prevent you from getting temp banned. So here's a short guide which will help you to determine if it makes sense to use spoiler- or more-tags.
Only use it when spoiling something. E.g. the solution to something which others might want to find out themselves, the end of a story etc.
There is no other reason to use this tag! Spoiling only!
You CAN (but you don't have to!) use this tag when your post is very long. This way you can keep it clear.
There is no other reason to use this tag! LONG stuff only!
NEVER EVER use it when the stuff you want to put into it is short. There should be at least a few sentences in it otherwise you are abusing the tag and might receive a temp ban for this.
Also never ever use it for fun shit or for hiding rule violations. You will get an extra long temp ban for the stupid attempt to hide your violations in such a stupid way.
Having just one or a few words / links / smileys in it is always a very clear sign for misuse of this tag. Do not use it for such things.
That's it. I just wanted to make you aware of this problem.