
Changing name time
31 replies
Do you like to wait 150 days for changing name?
Only registered users are allowed to vote
Yes | 66.18% (45) | |
No | 26.47% (18) | |
WTF IS THAT PLACE?! | 7.35% (5) |
68 votes cast

Imagine everyone you know in school changing their name everyday.
Apply that feeling here.
Deal with it.

Any chat
And a lot of other popular websites can change name every time. [...]
Any chat
And a lot of other popular websites can change name every time. [...]
They're very big communities and people don't care about someone's changed name. Bloody mess is just inconspicuous.
I'm wondering why this thread isn't closed yet, at least DC said what he thinks about name changing. 150 days are fine(could be reduced from 5 months to 4, but it's not harm to me, changing name sucks anyway).
I hate people with nicknames like "[on]454campe|r35[dra+g07^np~oo]". They wait for namechange day and change it instantly to the same shit ("boobs^inspector09i232198730971209381209"). Worst is when they upload something with their nicks in files' names.

Admin/mod comment

If usgn.de was alive then i would never change my nickname. In my opinion changing name is needless thing.