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Poll Poll

Do you like to wait 150 days for changing name?

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old Poll Changing name time

Mami Tomoe
User Off Offline

Do you like the timer for 150 days befor change name?
If yes:
Press yes

If no:
Press no

and get away...

Guys that not I won't to change it I make that's Poll because my friends and a lot of other people's asking why we need it any way

I say; that good to wait but maybe 60 days only...?
edited 1×, last 30.03.13 10:51:15 pm

old Re: Changing name time

Reviewer Off Offline

If people could change their name anytime they would abuse that to, for example, insult or generally confuse other users.

Waiting 150 days is perfectly fine.

old Re: Changing name time

User Off Offline

@user Seekay: I'm registered on a forum where you can change your name anytime you want. No one abuses it.

Considering that is filled with idiots, maybe reduce the waiting time till one month?

old Re: Changing name time

Admin Off Offline

Reduce the waiting time because the forum is full of idiots? This doesn't make sense!

Changing names all the time is annoying and should be avoided. For that reason this restriction is perfectly fine. You obviously don't think hard enough about your nick if you need to change it more frequently.

old Re: Changing name time

User Off Offline

Even if this is filled with idiots, I think 150 days is way too much. Maybe 60 or less days should be fine.

old Re: Changing name time

Moderator Off Offline

Yes I agree. You have to take a name you'll really like. It took me whole 10 minutes to think of a name I'd like a lot.If you don't like your name in US and can't change it then use the name you like in-game. I really liked "Flying Carp" so I am using it in-game as well. The wait timer is perfect.

old Re: Changing name time

Cure Pikachu
User Off Offline

Seriously 150 days in between name changes is enough. You really don't want user DC to make it such that you can only change name once, and even then you have to pay a minimum of $4 to do so.

old Re: Changing name time

User Off Offline

user DC has written
Reduce the waiting time because the forum is full of idiots? This doesn't make sense!

No, I meant, that as the forum is full of idiots you shouldn't completely remove the waiting time but should instead reduce it.

old Re: Changing name time

User Off Offline

I also agree with DC. If every idiot could change his name as often as he wants Unrealsoftware would be a mess.

old Re: Changing name time

User Off Offline

user -tony316- has written
I also agree with DC. If every idiot could change his name as often as he wants Unrealsoftware would be a mess.

The world is a mess. Why don't we establish a fascist regime? That would surely bring order!

old Re: Changing name time

Admin Off Offline

user palomino this was quite inappropriate. We are simply talking about a name changing restriction here. It exists in real life too and it does make a lot of sense to have it. Imagine everyone would change the nick daily. Pure chaos. It would be very hard for every user to keep track of who is who.

old Re: Changing name time

Reviewer Off Offline

There should be an option to change your name back to the original for 24 hours.

old Re: Changing name time

Admin Off Offline

This would require an additional database row to avoid that people abuse this feature (change nick for 23:59h and change back afterwards and that again and again). I'm not implementing it for that reason.

The name changing page is VERY VERY VERY clear about what you are doing and I didn't add the password field, the checkbox and the CAPTCHA for fun. I know that some people are still too dumb to handle that but it's their problem.

old Re: Changing name time

Mami Tomoe
User Off Offline

Any chat

And a lot of other popular websites can change name every time.

What I trying to say is the name is not really import on

but still nice to have your favorite name

old Re: Changing name time

User Off Offline

I think that DC has a point in this. There is totally no sense to change your name all the time. It makes people confused about some stuff. Why do you need to change your name? Do you need to have "better" nick or something? Change your name in-game and don't make problem here. Most of the used arguments here are stupid. Remember that We don't pay for DC to help him with all of this so like he said it would require a better server or sth. By the way I belive in that people should have same nick here and in-game, it would be more helpful in communication.

old Re: Changing name time

User Off Offline

user Tangerine has written
I think that DC has a point in this. There is totally no sense to change your name all the time. It makes people confused about some stuff. Why do you need to change your name? Do you need to have "better" nick or something? Change your name in-game and don't make problem here. Most of the used arguments here are stupid. Remember that We don't pay for DC to help him with all of this so like he said it would require a better server or sth. By the way I belive in that people should have same nick here and in-game, it would be more helpful in communication.

noob tangerine

old Re: Changing name time

User Off Offline

user Tangerine has written
I belive in that people should have same nick here and in-game, it would be more helpful in communication.

It would be helpful for stocking people.
I believe you should stop using 'belive' u have been using it for the whole last year , cant blame u thou, this word has too many letters..

old Re: Changing name time

User Off Offline

user Ahmad has written
user Tangerine has written
I belive in that people should have same nick here and in-game, it would be more helpful in communication.

It would be helpful for stocking people.

Do you learn English from people speaking or TV? lol. It's stalking.
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