Hey i need help with smileycentral becuse when i install it i get a 427423 error and the faq dont help
now im getting a 694031 error edited 1×, last 10.12.06 06:45:12 am
you mean cursor mania??? try again i dont get any
try install it again www.cursormania.com
note:yoiu cant post the smileys in the forums
no smiley central cursor mania dont work too oh did you redownloaded it? oh fuck hope they answer your mail
Admin/mod comment
please do never ever include images with the img tag which are that huge. thanks. i cant really read something to help you
why cannot download e mania cursors? @royal princess and all smiley central and cursor mania are SPYWARES! nope!
skiper has written

Yes, they are :-P who seys they are anyway?
you just think so!?>:((( This is really random. So, "Ad-Ware" helps my computer? I will try it out, and hope for better results. Oh and may spyware be the reason for when I install Flash Player for "Internet Explorer", it dosent install right/work correctly? I install it but it says that I need to get and install it, wich i already did. This has stopped me from many things. Thank you all, for all your help.-
Ameer Ad-Aware.
It's a must-have for any windows machine. That would suck if Ad-ware was hacked and had spyware German Spyware Lexikon has written
- makes browser slower
- may cause system damage
- shows PPC TextLinks in the search results
Antivirus forum member has written
Smiley Central (funwebproducts) is classified as spyware by SpywareBlaster.
So while not particularly dangerous, it could be and the known authors of it have a dubious history. I guess it depends on your definition of *safe* Some people choose to keep it - it's really up to you, but I would'nt have it on my PC
Ad-Aware hacked, lol -.-
Smiley Central is Adware, that's it. You can say it is spyware or not, it depends on your paranoia whether you use it or not
Here might be a solution for your problem (click), if you still want to install this crap
no, i tried that long time ago nothin o well, i wont get, plus the problem was i get an error code edited 1×, last 12.04.07 02:06:30 pm