
your play Sherwoord

And you can only find fucking stuff.. and its boring.. killing there killing here.. thats not MMOPRG like...
No Quests... no cool Items.. nothing...
Couse it is reseted every time you logg in.
Runescape never gets reseted.


rick change your signature it ruins the thread

it ruins nothing.. NOOBY skipper NOOB
chance you screen res and... only chance is

Runescapeplayers are MASTERGAMERS

and it only ruins if you windowed the intrenet...

so what's the damned quests anyway - kiss the but of somebody by making magik and make him were no clothes

runescape ( used to play: for a year)
sherwood - ( played for 2 week ) SUX
they both are crack head games
made by, fat crackhead bastard who stays home online
going to the enchanted forest or some shit
hey skiper u like dmx right? well does he always say in his songs? o yea
" they can just suck my di**"

Ameer925 has written
ok now errabody gonna SHUT THE HELL UP i have played both and here is what i say
runescape ( used to play: for a year)
sherwood - ( played for 2 week ) SUX
they both are crack head games
made by, fat crackhead bastard who stays home online
going to the enchanted forest or some shit
hey skiper u like dmx right? well does he always say in his songs? o yea
" they can just suck my di**"
runescape ( used to play: for a year)
sherwood - ( played for 2 week ) SUX
they both are crack head games
made by, fat crackhead bastard who stays home online
going to the enchanted forest or some shit
hey skiper u like dmx right? well does he always say in his songs? o yea
" they can just suck my di**"
now listen to this >:0 >:0

go away with that damn game.