It will have a standard ladder tournament system, which is illustrated on the following picture:
There are some controversial points in the rules, however. We need to hear your opinion on them to make them optimal. Feedback is appreciated.
Should the map be generated randomly before each game, or should it stay the same throughout the tournament?
Should the weapons of choice be more difficult each match or should they stay the same throughout the tournament?
Should medkits/supply crates/mines/bear traps be present in the game at all and if so, at which percentage?
Should participants be allowed to use buildings and if so, should they be allowed to block others?
Should the spawn points be determined randomly, or should the participants be allowed to choose them themselves? If so, should 'stacking' be allowed (placing players on top of other players)?
What should be the round ender and after what round should it be, if any?
If you have any other suggestions that we have not thought of or mentioned, feel free to express them in this thread. Thank you for your time.