DC Admin
I'll try to fix this.
Attention: People doing this will be banned.
If i am not mistaken you could do the same with Alt+255, i don't know if it's already fixed. @
DC: thanks
DC Admin
I simply won't count image-tags to the content length anymore. So pure image posts without any text won't work anymore either. Which is not a bad thing in my opinion because the embedded image may go offline at some point and then the post would be empty as well.
Mechanolith: I'm aware of this problem as well but I can't find a working solution for some strange reason. Neither replacing the ASCII char 160 nor " " works. Also none of the preg_replace codes I found seems to work. I don't know why because it seems to be a very simple task. I'll try again later... (and I'll also ban people for doing this shit. I already did it several times actually) FlooD GAME BANNED
DC has written
Mechanolith: I'm aware of this problem as well but I can't find a working solution for some strange reason. Neither replacing the ASCII char 160 nor " " works.
Have you already tried Unicode U+00A0 ? Additionally, there is the narrow no-break space at U+202F (   ) and the empty number U+2007 I used to use the invisible characters to post short posts in the file archive
. DC Admin
Ahmad: No offense but are you somehow retarded?! This is nothing to be proud of. I'll ban your ass for a long time when I randomly spot one of those trash comments. Better don't do this again and edit those comments to real ones ASAP. @
DC: I'm not being proud,sometimes words like 'Great' is enough as a comment.
And I said i used to..but not anymore. Already knew it, good to see @
DC: did fix.
Op's lyrics are from Eduard Khil (RIP) - "Trololo" Sorry for the off topic, but I've seen this a lot and am really confused what is this alt+(random numbers) thing do/mean? You can also do it with Alt + 0160. Edit: I did 0160 on Pwnisher's Killing Floor Weapon Pack and I got banned, but it doesn't matter lol. edited 1×, last 06.11.12 11:33:49 am
I see a text that can't be copyed, lol.
I don't know what I must type here, lol.
Hanz has written
I see a text that can't be copyed, lol.
I don't know what I must type here, lol.
Cause it's a fake image, so fake=cannot be loaded so it appears as the link or name
Anyway this thread can be closed if the problem was solved.. cause someone may start a 'spam war' Admin/mod comment
No, we never close threads unless it's really necessary. /DC I think Unreal Software shouldn't accept posts with the image tag without a normal text.
Not accepted
Accepted There's also few other invisible characters like:
Left-To-Right Mark
Right-To-Left Mark
Pop Directional Formatting
Left-To-Right Override
and more..

Right-To-Left Override
Which is invisible and reverses whole text after it:
Fake link to unrealsoftware.de: http://www.unrealsoftware.de/index.php?p=moc.elgoog.www//:ptth
:nam_aifam yb dekcah etouQ has written
edited 2×, last 06.11.12 02:58:37 pm
Obviously Exactly Myself:
DC has written
I simply won't count image-tags to the content length anymore. So pure image posts without any text won't work anymore either.