THIS is exactly what I was talking about. I don't give a fuck.

THIS is exactly what I was talking about. I don't give a fuck.
I suit your requirements. So you mean "yes"? We will be much closer to the solution of this problem.

Person needed for job:
> Registered for 1 year or longer
> No "idiot"
> No rulebreaker
> Active
What will you get:
> No sleep
> The right to delete posts
> Reputation on the forums (not necessarily good)
> A place in the Skype chat
Totally worth it. Yea great. Go choose some moron-derators. Not me.
> Registered for 1 year or longer
> No "idiot"
> No rulebreaker
> Active
What will you get:
> No sleep
> The right to delete posts
> Reputation on the forums (not necessarily good)
> A place in the Skype chat
Totally worth it. Yea great. Go choose some moron-derators. Not me.
How can i explain it .... ?
Some(Most) people want to be Moderator
And few of them dont want
But for me, I would accept being moderator even if i dont sleep sometimes.
Come on.

To clarify some things:
No, it's no fun to be moderator. It's work. But it's also cool to be able to remove annoying stuff if you see it and are in the forum anyways. Also you can "work" as much as you want. It's completely up to you as you are doing it voluntarily.

Yes, that thing. That thing is nice. Isnt that awesome to see some thread with crappy english with translator and stupid content inside and close it?
Yes, thats nice and usefull.
Re: Moderator election - Suggestions
Deleted User

Very active, Helpful, Never broke a rule, Etc...
Good luck finding a good one

Well i don't think i'm part of this, But if you are going to suggest someone please say why dose he/she deserve to be a moderator. For example:
Very active, Helpful, Never broke a rule, Etc...
Good luck finding a good one
Very active, Helpful, Never broke a rule, Etc...
Good luck finding a good one

I broke one rule in a year and half
and only one time Temp ban

All the others that have been suggested are either trolls, or have corrupted English.
edit: As you need 3 moderators, may I also suggest myself?

"Never broke a rule" is bad idea. Most of the users on this site did it at least once. At least,the guys who are pretty active on forums.
Well I said 'For example'

so its not necessary (needed or w/e) always.
edited 1×, last 19.10.12 09:11:15 pm

"Never broke a rule" is bad idea. Most of the users on this site did it at least once. At least,the guys who are pretty active on forums.
Yea, I agree with that but where has that been written?
It's not on the conditions..
edit: Never mind, found

edited 1×, last 19.10.12 09:11:27 pm

Everyone is applying themselves, so I'm doing the same.

this situation is rare.. duh
anyway voting for yourself WILL (or may) decrees your chance for being a moderator.. well think of it

Some votes might not be correct.
Fuck it, I'm lazy to count them all.