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English CS2D Bug Reports

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old Re: CS2D Bug Reports

Reviewer Off Offline

@user DC: I'm trying to detect when a user types in a certain (custom) command via the console. This works via the cs2d lua hook rcon hook as I have the id, text etc. Yet the cs2d lua hook rcon hook is not triggered by me in New Game (because I am the "server") and I do not need to use rcon before the command. Yet how am I supposed to check what custom commands I use?

Seems to me like the cs2d lua hook rcon should still be triggered even if you are the "server" and do not actually need to type in rcon.

old Re: CS2D Bug Reports

Admin Off Offline

No, the behaviour of cs2d lua hook rcon you currently see in CS2D is correct and intended. rcon is short for remote control. If you're the server you're not remote controlling anything and therefore the cs2d lua hook rcon-hook won't kick in.

Also note hook description
Whenever someone tries to execute commands on the server using the rcon (remote control) functionality. This hook is triggered once per rcon-command call. This means it may contain one or more commands.

It's like user Hajt said: The cs2d lua hook parse-hook is what you're looking for. It's triggered any time a script command is parsed on the server. No matter if it came in via local input while being server or via rcon.

The reasoning behind this is the following:

rcon-hook: Allow to do sanity/security/rights checks on input which comes in via rcon. So most likely you want to forbid to do certain things here and return 1.

parse-hook: Allow to do crazy custom stuff with all the input.
edited 1×, last 02.12.16 08:35:47 pm

old Re: CS2D Bug Reports

Reviewer Off Offline

Problem with the cs2d lua hook parse command is I don't know which commands are executed by me as the server or anyone else using RCon. Seeing as it's triggered in both cases.

Edit: huh huh huh wat is dis and why did i think this worked differently
Attention: This hook is only triggered when the server itself is parsing commands (either directly or with rcon). You can't handle client parsing with hooks.

My bad. Ignore everything I said

old Re: CS2D Bug Reports

Admin Off Offline

@user Yates: It should be possible to check in parse if the executed stuff was rcon stuff or locally executed stuff (untested):

isRcon = false

function myrcon()
	isRcon = true
note: if you have hooks which return 1 for rcon, you also have to set isRcon to false there.

addhook("parse", "myparse")
function myparse(cmds)
	if isRcon then
		print(cmds.. " executed via rcon")
		print(cmds.. " executed locally on server")
	isRcon = false

This is possible because the cs2d lua hook rcon hook is always executed before cs2d lua hook parse (at least I think so, didn't double check)

Edit: Oh. Well.. anyway: It's possible to differentiate

old Re: CS2D Bug Reports

User Off Offline

Sorry my bad english but anyway there is strange problem, im trying to test my mod at my computer via 2 launched clients(first as host and second as client) or via dedicated server and 2 clients but... firstly i wanna to show this game log.
log >

At start server i host map, and 1 player connect and spawn on it correctly, but then 2 client try to connect to server, and for 5-10 seconds server and/or 1 client change its status to "does not respond"... after 20 second with "loading server data" for 2 client is shown a team menu and it can be spawned at game and more than this all scripts works fine for server and both clients on it but a bit later 5-10 second at 2 client have stopped screen frame - apparently it stop receive data from the server but it send its data to server (because 2 client tank correctly move and rotate its turret) and after 5-10 second server or/and 1 client change its status to "does not respond" again and some time later(20-30 second) them crushed down without any error messages... 2 client still have stopped screen frame waiting any signal from server and just after minute show message that connection is lost...

i can show you that problem in real time via skype share screen or remote screen view of services or teamviewer or ammyy admin

im still waiting user DC's comment or answer
edited 1×, last 12.12.16 10:41:04 am

old Re: CS2D Bug Reports

Admin Off Offline

@user Pagyra: I can't reproduce this issue on my system.

Your log is weird though. Is this the log from server or from client? Because it contains
[00:18:44] ----- Server started -----
[00:18:46] Connecting to
[00:18:50] " (1x)
which means 2 times the connection line.

So it actually contains both, logs from client(s) and logs from server.
Did you maybe start all the instances (servers and clients) at the same time with a script? If they start within the same second they will all use the same log file and this may cause the issues.

Suggestion: Do not start them at exactly the same time or copy your CS2D folder once for each instance you want to run and run the distinct exe files. This way you can be sure that the different instances don't interfere with each other in the file system.

and btw: your USGN login data seems to be corrupted. You should delete sys/usgn_pw.dat and/or sys/usgn_upw while CS2D is not running and afterwards enter your login data again in the settings.

old Re: CS2D Bug Reports

User Off Offline

user DC has written
and btw: your USGN login data seems to be corrupted. You should delete sys/usgn_pw.dat and/or sys/usgn_upw while CS2D is not running and afterwards enter your login data again in the settings.

Also this error appear when someone opens Options in-game after a fresh installation.

old Re: CS2D Bug Reports

Admin Off Offline

@user Hajt: Thanks for the info. Then the setup probably comes with a corrupted file which shouldn't be included. Will check! (shouldn't cause any further issues though)

old Re: CS2D Bug Reports

User Off Offline

i cant use binds with alias like

alias t "bind h map test"

alias t "bind h map test

and i try
alias t 'bind "h map test"'

sry fixed
alias t "exec sys/t.cfg
edited 1×, last 14.12.16 04:47:56 am

old Map Editor Bug

User Off Offline

Hello, i see a bug when you change the menu_green , menu_red, menu_blue options, That not only affect the HUD of the menus, also the editor, but the tiles are getting the same color of the menu_color option

Here is the normal look
> √
> × And here is the Colored tiles in the editor

idk if this is a bug, but i wanted to share it

old Re: CS2D Bug Reports

User Off Offline

user DC has written
@user Pagyra: Calling people who actually create stuff lazy is simply inappropriate and wrong.
And I hope you also see the irony of what you're saying because it's coming from someone (you) who actually uses CS2D for crazy stuff it was never even remotely intended for (and who's then complaining all the time about its limits and errors instead of writing an own game from scratch).

Earlier Bug Report

Lets we check your game with using Memory Debugger Dr. Memory.
Dr. Memory has written
It is a memory monitoring tool capable of identifying memory-related programming errors such as accesses of uninitialized memory, accesses to unaddressable memory (including outside of allocated heap units and heap underflow and overflow), accesses to freed memory, double frees, memory leaks, and (on Windows) handle leaks, GDI API usage errors, and accesses to un-reserved thread local storage slots.

That is condensed
result.txt >
edited 1×, last 27.12.16 04:27:52 pm

old Re: CS2D Bug Reports

Reviewer Off Offline

@user Pagyra: Oh boo-hoo a very low requirement freeware game that's running on a ten year old engine has a few memory leaks. When are you going to shut up already, no one cares everytime you spew out crap over the forums.

It's pathetic.

old Re: CS2D Bug Reports

Moderator Off Offline

@user Pagyra: How is that even relevant, though? user DC's point was that you're trying to use his game to create a new game when his intention was to create a game, not a game engine. You go on every thread and either call the authors lazy or post screenshots of your own works. That's disrespectful and that's what user DC said. You reply with posting a summary that's supposed to show how bad his game is. I don't see how that defends you against the fact that he pointed out about you using CS2D instead of picking up a game engine. It's irrelevant.

old Re: CS2D Bug Reports

Admin Off Offline

@user Pagyra: Does the client explode every 5 seconds? I guess not. So while there might be a few minor memory leaks, there's no serious leak rendering the game unplayable. If there would be one I would try to fix it asap.

Would be interesting to run this check against another comparable BlitzMax application and also a minimalistic dummy BlitzMax app and to see how much of the stuff comes from BlitzMax itself already.

Also note that this program only offers a simple check which can't be accurate for logical reasons. The program doesn't know how CS2D works and allocates/keeps stuff. Note the big fat word potential and suspected false positives.

old Re: CS2D Bug Reports

Reviewer Off Offline

CS2D doesn't call cs2d lua hook radio at dedicated server while throwing a greande in contrast to local hosted servers (New Game).

old Re: CS2D Bug Reports

User Playing CS2D

In the 1024x786(may be wrong write resolutions) but i see images on top border of screen when in buy menu:

user DC, please, fix asap this thing which not allow me to tray cs2d.
edited 1×, last 08.01.17 07:55:24 pm

old Re: CS2D Bug Reports

Admin Off Offline

@user Mora: Thank you for your bug report. I saw it and wrote a todo. No reason to push it with edits (this is forbidden actually). Please understand though that I won't make a hot fix for a little visual glitch which doesn't affect gameplay.

old Re: CS2D Bug Reports

User Playing CS2D

The problem is that glitch completely broke your gameplay if you're in windows or even not windowed mode..
For example i need to close my cs2d to open bandicam, then open cs2d again, bcs bcam would be in highter priority atm when i launch it, after - i'll be able to record.. Also when you recieve some notifications or something in Full-screen - cs2d goin' in tray = you'll need to kill process, or go in the game and while it's blacks screen click "ESC+9" = disconnect, "ESC+ENTER" to quit cs2d completely. This is really so annoying.. For example while you making map and you recieved a notification - you'll lose your map.. Sometimes you may forget that you need to save the map and you done much. "OFF ALARMS?" but we may evade it with fix.

The fix with some small things would be not really little or whatever. Since this bug sometimes cause your "run as a hero" which make your speed higher than 100. I tried that in 2x CS2D. Some1 on the server may think you're cheater while in tray.
You may do it with prefix alpha of beta x.. for example b1.0.0.2a, this means alpha of version 2 :D. I'm interesting why it's not possible to make a small update? You still have some more numbers for cs2d.. it may be etc.

Ok since it's forbidden what i said above, i deserve a tban, but i said what i want.. I'm sorry about that.

old Re: CS2D Bug Reports

Reviewer Off Offline

Hudtxt isn't spawned properly while using higger resolution than 640x480. Also using multiple colors at the Hudtxts, makes big space between strings.

Changing window mode from full screen to window or vice versa, unbinds all binds. So boring.
edited 1×, last 28.01.17 04:52:59 pm
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