edited 1×, last 10.07.12 02:53:20 pm

moderatorers misuse ban
21 replies
do you think mods are just evil beings and misuse their mighty power?
Only registered users are allowed to vote
yes! | 10.53% (2) | |
no, i am a noob | 89.47% (17) |
19 votes cast
You deserved the ban.

CoD 2D? Has been done. Not satisfied with how it's been done? Make that mod yourself.
btw i can tell my brother to make the cod2d, he is epic at these editing stuff

Proof of your spam:

If a moderator closes/thrashes your thread then this typically means: "We don't want to have a thread about this topic around here. Do NEVER open a new one!"
So just opening a new thread with the same topic is a pretty bad idea and you shouldn't do it.
edited 1×, last 10.07.12 02:44:32 pm
dc but the last one was a idea for lua scripters, not spam
Edit: It was pretty much the same thing.
Edit²: It was even exactly the same text. Are you fucking kidding me?!
edited 1×, last 10.07.12 02:46:43 pm
btw when i googled cs2d lua editor, there comes just editing script, i dont those i want the darn lua editor wich i can create cod2d
Continue the search. It's the internet. You will find everything.

where i can download the cod2d? im sorry but u misusued again ur mighty mod powers. u closed the recent thread it was just a idea for lua scritpers (i didnt write that right?)
You are wrong, I have not misused my powers, for your CoD 2D idea has already been implemented. If only you learned to search. Link

btw when i googled cs2d lua editor, there comes just editing script, i dont those i want the darn lua editor wich i can create cod2d
Well, I'm sorry to ruin your dreams, but you actually have to learn things to be able to do them.
Also, the poll in the OP is needless and idiotic. 'no, i am a noob'? Learn to accept opinions that differ from yours.
Admin/mod comment
Don't flame. You call this community nasty and don't even care for the rules yourself? Please leave then. Bye bye /ohaz

copy of cs source.
Copy? Of Source? Not really. It's a remake of the original Counter-Strike (1.6) in 2D.
Your "opinions" are not opinions. Just childish insults.

hobo ur name says every thing already ur a hobo livin in the streets and drinklin allday beer homeless people. and u cant ban me because thats my opinion.
You'd be surprised, my ignorant friend, but I actually can ban you for that according to

You become agitated and angry just because you did something wrong and because people don't agree with you. Everyone is guilty except for you. That is a most prominent sign of being immature.
edited 1×, last 10.07.12 03:28:27 pm
Admin/mod comment
I did ban him