
Why i cant see my signature?
18 replies
Do it by going in your album, selecting the preview, and then clicking on it again.

Well, these are two different images...
Maybe I should decrease the maximum image height for signature images to something like 30

Why not? It's super awesome to have a signature like that. You automatically become an elite member of Unreal Software!

Cmon everbody use that signature.

I must agree though, it is rather distracting but not because of it's size, I think the strident colors are to blame.

I see you have it now.

Hey guys! Fun fact! 99% of people who have a drug reference in their name and/or sig have never really tried them!
The funny thing is that Barca (OP) is a 12-year-old boy who posted on a clan forum "any one who smoke put there life away and are going to die".
True story bro.