And btw DC; wtf happened to the screenshots hotkeys? N and P are just not working and the next and previous things are showing up after you spasm with your mouse all over the image.

And btw DC; wtf happened to the screenshots hotkeys? N and P are just not working and the next and previous things are showing up after you spasm with your mouse all over the image.

You can change it into over 2000, don't be stupid Max.


in case strange problems occur: click refresh to reload everything.


I don't know if it has been found and posted, but since yesterday when I try to view a map image the screen gets a bit dark and it remains like that. No screen displayed. What's wrong with that?
I had that problem.Now I don't

I've noticed the same.

That right there is your problem. Switch to a browser such as Opera, Chrome or SeaMonkey ( if you are such ways inclined), IE is a waste of HDD. Netscape is long gone, M$!
the prev and next buttons are still a bit fucked up - especially in IE. please use the keyboard hotkeys P/N or <-/-> until this is fixed.

Win 7 with Firefox 4

should work in IE now. problem was that IE returns a width and height of 0 for images when you hide them with display:none; you have to use visibility:hidden instead... (click refresh and restart your browser if it's still not working)
the prev and next buttons are still a bit fucked up - especially in IE. please use the keyboard hotkeys P/N or <-/-> until this is fixed.
Alistaire: crashing? what do you mean? does it crash your browser? can't reproduce this here.)
the prev and next buttons are still a bit fucked up - especially in IE. please use the keyboard hotkeys P/N or <-/-> until this is fixed.

Yea, now's just good, it opens the image in a new tab.