
the problem is back now on this file
File does not exist (10577)

Chrome isn't a browser, it's Chrome. And FireFox has a load of useless add-ons.
Get Opera.
Admin/mod comment

Admin/mod comment

Ofcourse it is mistake of DC for JavaScript-not right position,but and of fucking stupidest www.
I like Interface of Chrome,so I do not want change it-it is one bug i have seen :).
I hate WWW,I hate fucking HTML,that is stupit(i can not menage it you-only prof programmers will understand me),and I hate Javascript,but I

(i can not menage it you-only prof programmers will understand me)
Trust me, not one single person here understands what the fuck you just wrote.
Pretty explained.

Haha, you racist bastard 

I'm just taking a conclusion out of the stereotypes i've found in this website.

Why Russian have broken english-just because we have 95% different language

and the troll award goes to...

I'm using chrome as well and it's always working fine for me
in order to claim that chrome sucks. nicely done.
I still can't reproduce this problem here in any browser. weird.

Why Russian have broken english-just because we have 95% different language

I learned it from video games, and no formal classes. Deal with it.

and the troll award goes to...
Yates for quoting only the first part of my sentence in order to claim that chrome sucks. nicely done.

He aims to please.