
Hope they are OK,link :

This is an original splash !
edited 1×, last 17.03.12 05:04:46 pm



edited 3×, last 18.03.12 06:03:24 am

Hope they are ok,sorry for bad MP5 and Famas,those screenshots you sent me was not so detailed.

I am ready for some more skins!

edited 1×, last 18.03.12 10:30:11 am

good work)) Guitorres will thank you
good skins i need to use it))

Yeh,thanks a lot.
But,could be much better

Hope he will request me some rifles,because I suck at snipers and shotguns.

MAX-russia: good work)) Where you take the clear screen of menu?

I found a very god MP7 by: Blazer_SN and I want you guys to vote. which should be in the mod

PS: i edited Blazer SN's one. To stay with the original shape of CSGO's mp7
edited 2×, last 18.03.12 05:02:30 pm

BTW,I am done with update of requested weapons.
Will upload in 5 minutes!

Done! Hope they are much better,enjoy

Great Idea!
but wat will happen to cs2d!
Admin/mod comment
Removed the useless pic. /ohazEDIT: Obviously, you have better MP7A1 Guitorres...

20 min work
There is a new maps like de_lake,csgo_sugarcane,csgo_shoots, csgo_stmarc,csgo_baggage,cs_747.

thx you. i'll just edit then.

Guys, I found some news from cs go update list.
There is a new maps like de_lake,csgo_sugarcane,csgo_shoots, csgo_stmarc,csgo_baggage,cs_747.
There is a new maps like de_lake,csgo_sugarcane,csgo_shoots, csgo_stmarc,csgo_baggage,cs_747.
Guess who's gonna play on them today, hehe