Complex lua mod would be good (swithing gamemodes; standard,deathmatch etc...)

Complex lua mod would be good (swithing gamemodes; standard,deathmatch etc...)

Easier said than done.

Nothing against your work, you made it about months.
Thought no ones working on it, but all the kiddies asking when its finished... Sorry. Forget my Comment.
There are too much Threads with big Ideas, but all people are too lazy to work on their shit.



and @

Okay,so,we must finish it. Many things are already done,we must NOT to stop.
Guitorres,I was rather busy for a long time. But I think,I can make some more skins now. Just PM me. Thanks for understanding,again.

So, we shut up. Sorry bout my Comment and over.
PS: Like now, your mod looks nice

PS: Like now, your mod looks nice
I agree. But it needs scripts. Mod with only maps and skins would be boring

Ive tried modding on CS2D many times (things like making skins or Maps ), but im shit in it.
So Im sorry, I think I cant help you guys

What if I edit my M4A1 for the mod?
Amazing idea!

- now, the last weapon are doning by Pwnisher 'AWP'

You tried to hard, this doesn't look anywhere near good. use less gradient and a nice colour pallet. Also remake the scope, it's waaayy to big.
Id suggest that you primarily focus on the shape and proportions of the gun 1st then work on the color pallet as Yates suggested.