Anybody with me?

Please Stop Removing Uploads
9 replies

Anybody with me?

well i didn't say a thing about stolen uploads, I was only talking about ones with no pictures

and that's what downloaders want to see.
thats an opinion, I created this thread to see if was a fact or not.
Other Fact: No pics, no clicks.
uploading no pictures = a sign of laziness = commonly happens with low quality stuff
fact 2
most people want to see what they get before they download it and extract it (because downloading and extracting a map is work)
fact 3
Unreal Software simply wants to have a good file archive and a good file archive has preview images for stuff were it makes sense.
conclusion: sorry. I don't share your opinion and I'll continue to remove maps and skins without pictures. it's simply better to have those preview images. there's totally no doubt about that.
Re: Please Stop Removing Uploads
Deleted User@topic: usually files without pics do suck