
You like it?
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Yes. This have cool new features. | 71.03% (76) | |
No. Just another tibia edit. | 28.97% (31) |
107 votes cast

But,however,it looks AWESOME!
I wish you goodluck,hope you will finish it.
Cause there are a lot of shit-edits of it,but this one looks good!

Well, yes, the video is kinda bad, but your tibia is awesome! Good luck, and keep the good work!
yes, the video is very bad, I don't know one good desktop recorder program...

good job man 

I guess you meant good luck....
This lua was and still in progress 24months ago.
edited 1×, last 12.01.14 06:09:45 pm

you can create dowloand link and put.

this is taking too much.....:(
This tibia is very good.
Your tibia work is really very good!
very interesting for me.

edited 1×, last 08.09.13 05:13:04 am

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This is the 4th or 5th script that never gets done

4Vendetta: has written

Tomorrow I'll post news...
It has been months.
But the script looks good and nice tiles.
If can make like Soul and Blade.

edited 3×, last 16.01.16 12:23:01 am

panda is it coming out soon? and will there be 24/7 server?
Of course.