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Yes. This have cool new features. | 71.03% (76) | |
No. Just another tibia edit. | 28.97% (31) |
107 votes cast
[EDIT - fev 21 - 12:01] The map is almost completely finished, it remains only to finish blending. Here are some pictures:

edited 2×, last 21.02.12 03:12:33 pm

May be you will change the monsters too? Because old ones are bored
Oh, yes, I already've maked a lot of monsters [banshee, orcs, trolls, dragons, and a lot more], later i'll post images here!

Is from rpg_kv

and this :

I know this tiles, Wasn't it you that made it.
Is from rpg_kv
Is from rpg_kv

edited 2×, last 21.02.12 04:39:32 pm

i hate tibia. but its good edit

Re: [Discontinued]Tibia [super edited]
Deleted UserAnyway, my tibia will be finished in this or next month
Trolls ? Oh, yes, I already've maked a lot of monsters [banshee, orcs, trolls, dragons, and a lot more], later i'll post images here! 

Are those monster images based on a cs2d players?

Trolls ? Oh, yes, I already've maked a lot of monsters [banshee, orcs, trolls, dragons, and a lot more], later i'll post images here! 

Are those monster images based on a cs2d players?
I've used some templates made by friends to make monster like players.[seen from above]
[EDIT - Fev 22 - 11:15 am]I've change the stats location to left up, and removed the left down hud img to remove some lag.
edited 1×, last 22.02.12 02:15:55 pm

1 request, can someone send me the map and tile gfx(I deleted them a long time ago)? I need them now because i started my project again
What tile or map you want? and.. I like your server =D awesome the class and critical sys...
i rlly love what you have done

Re: [Discontinued]Tibia [super edited]
Deleted User
NAme of the server?
[CrP]Tibia Beta-closed
Not opened now!