
When your PSP is connected to your computer, open the folder "My Computer" and click "removable disk".
when you click removable disk there will be multiple folders, click the folder PSP and then click the folder Game.
*****IF YOU DO NOT HAVE A GAME FOLDER CREATE ONE***** (make it in all capitals)
When you are in the GAME folder copy and paste the files ( for example: Psar dump and Psar dump%)
put the files on the GAME folder.
some % folders are like "PSar 1%"
do not change anything in the folders this can corrupt the files
when you are done go all the way right to the GAME section, click the folder labeld Games and ther will be 2 things
one name Psar dump 3.0/3.01 and one corupted
***DO NOT DELETE THE CORUPPTED ONE*** now the system game will begin.
i can go into more detail but im on 2.0 not 3.0 r 3.01
if you are confused ask and i will simplify it. <^>_<^>

the folder you click to begin the Psar, is under Game on the PSP is named game.
any question

P.S. i got firmware 3.01, or did i already told you

edited 2×, last 29.11.06 01:39:43 pm
If you deleted it you need to delete the PSar dump and connect your PSP again and put the Psar dump in the GAME folder on your computer. just follow my previous instruction.
But I will try the Dump on someone elses if they let me to tell youwhat is wrong. Ifyou need somthing else just ask and i can answer.
And if you get ICQ i can help you with your PSP on ICQ

i tryed again, but it still doesnt work

edited 1×, last 29.11.06 05:10:47 pm

il write it in my sig or profile

now what was the problem agian
when i start the pspar dump i will see the intro of the PSP logo (like what you see normally when you start a game).
and then (after +/- 5 sec) it says this: The game could not be started. (8002014C)
you know what to do now? and i dindt deleted the corrupted data by the way

please help!

@skiper, i have added you to my MSN! (sorry for OT)

When it is open ther will be multiple folders open "GAME" when t is open right click and press paste. just to be sure chaeck your PSP firmware (version)
the version may be the problem i will try it in a few minutes to help u more

its very good