
edited 2×, last 08.11.06 02:41:09 am
Ameer925 has written
so it dont help OT: if my comp harddrive gets everything uninstaled will i have to register again since it wil be like a new comp? cuase im gettin a new comp not moniter
Though this is OT: could you specifiy this a little bit?
Do you want to install another OS (or another Windows Version) on your PC, and therefore format your hdd, or do you get a new pc, and want to transfer the hdd from one to the other, or do you simply want to get ride of the old, including the hdd?
1. Case: If you install WinXP or higher (2003, Vista) you have to register again, since it's a new setup. Other OSes don't have any registration.
2. Case: Don't format the drive. Simply put it in the new pc, and tinker around with the plugs, so that it is the first drive (Master on IDE0 if you have EIDE/ATA-Drives, dunno how to make it with SATA-Drives) and the original the second or third drive.
3. Case: PCs with preinstalled OSes are already registered, if that's needed.
If it has something to do with your Account: NO. Simply logon again if you're back. This is a webforum, it doesn't care from where you connect.
I wish I were as rich as you

That may help

If you get a new PC with a preinstalled OS you don't have to do the WPA again (I think you meant that), if you're installing an OS, you must activate it
Unreal Software needs a Split-Topic-Function so that Mods can cut the OT out, I think

Dicker has written
If you get a new PC with a preinstalled OS you don't have to do the WPA again (I think you meant that),
if you're installing an OS, you must activate it
if you're installing an OS, you must activate it
well not really

edited 1×, last 09.11.06 11:50:20 pm

edited 1×, last 13.11.06 04:33:38 am

in newgrounds i have watched all "salad fingers" episodes