deswegen brauch ich dringend hilfe
Danke im vorraus
kt = {x1 = {}, y1 = {}, x2 = {}, y2 = {}} function zone(x1, y1, x2, y2) 	table.insert(kt.x1, x1) 	table.insert(kt.x2, x2) 	table.insert(kt.y1, y1) 	table.insert(kt.y2, y2) end --Settings zone(3,11,22,30) -- Zone coö. attack_limit = 3 atk_msg = "No shopattacking! - %s" for i = 1, 32 do 	kt[i] = attack_limit end function f2(id) 	for ix1, x1 in ipairs(kt.x1) do 		for iy1, y1 in ipairs(kt.y1) do 			for ix2, x2 in ipairs(kt.x2) do 				for iy2, y2 in ipairs(kt.y2) do 					if ix1 == iy1 and iy1 == ix2 and ix2 == iy2 then 						if player(id, "tilex") < x2 and player(id, "tilex") > x1 and player(id, "tiley") > y1 and player(id, "tiley") < y2 then 							return true 						end 					end 				end 			end 		end 	end 	return false end addhook("attack","attack_hook") function attack_hook(id) 	if f2(id) then 		msg2(id,string.format(atk_msg, kt[id]..'/'..attack_limit)) 		if kt[id] <= 0 then 			parse("kick ""; No shopattacking!") 		end 		kt[id] = kt[id] - 1 	end end addhook([[leave]], [[leave_hook]]) function leave_hook(id, r) 	kt[id] = attack_limit end