So,about the roleplay.
Its just gonna be a normal roleplay,maybe a few stranded people,a few tribespeople,etc,etc.
Its not a server,just posting at this thread to RP,yadda yadda.
So,I guess we'll start at like,4 characters.
Your app should look like this -
Character Name - (bobillymohillyjillykillymilly

What is your character - (

Anything else

Also,make sure to keep realistic.Cannibals are allowed.Zombies arn't.


Super Admin





You can start out as member or guest,considering how beast your app is.
So,heres the character list -
OHMON - Ookolaga Tribe Leader
So uh,the only other thing I can think of is that this is a Big Normal island,with a well known welcoming tribe called the Ookolaga Tribe,that is known to cannibalize on its invaders.
Well,thats it. Heres a cookie.

Admin/mod comment