
Well, New Year is still only tomorrow for me ( 1st Jan ), and tonight there are already 6 street parties being organised, not too shabby an ending to an extremely SHIT year!

in italy new year is coming in 9 hours

Well, happy new year.
edited 1×, last 31.12.11 02:16:45 pm

bdw in indonesian is still 2.5 hour left

Dude, it's still 40 minutes to new year in Australia? That is about as far East as you can go. 

wrong at all.
samoa had new year before

Happy new year by the way, the doomsday thing isn't true so don't worry we wont die. Lol.
edited 1×, last 31.12.11 03:09:26 pm

I hope the doomsday thing isn't true lol.
Remove the "I hope" and you have my comment.
Guard might get nervous, a dwarf approaches with his weapon drawn.


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