TO DC... Please Add hooks
TO DC... Please Add hooks
3 replies Hi DC you added some hook for some keys. Can you add hook for "f" ? some times we need this while we are making a lua script for example if it is Roleplay mode I cant use "e" and f2,f3,f4 too they full the have hook already. So I need atnother key. Please if you can.. pls do it.
And sorry for my little grammer mistakes. Not possible, people customize their keys in CS2D. I guess it might be nice if he would change the use hook so that IF the player presses the 'e' key ( or whatever key they have binded 'use' to ) the use hook would be triggered, not simply if it is next to a trigger. TO LIMONATA... Please use the PM function in this web, it's easy to use. DC Admin
I can't
there's a suggestion thread
this has already been suggested there