Denisgrad has written
Why are you discussing system's online shit when there is a big difference between both hardwares. Btw Valve doesn't make games for ps3 because it's hardware is way too complicated, but Nathan Dog decided too work a little more harder with ps3 and made a brilliant game "Uncharted 2". I found video on YouTube. Gotta show ya later.
Did you just say that ps3s hardware is "way too complicated". and tried to use that as a way to say its hardware is better?? If its to complicated it sucks, meaning they cant make a simple fucking system that works great.. needing all this shit to make it to you "amazing."
Quality over quantity.. you sound like some gay "sony fanboy".
im on both sides i like both! just like i like mac and windows.. grow up and stop trying to be right, you sound completly retarded and look like a dumbass.
Its just a gaming console for fucks sake!