
Which console is better?
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Xbox360 | 29.27% (24) | |
Xbox | 1.22% (1) | |
PlayStation3 | 32.93% (27) | |
Playstation2 | 8.54% (7) | |
Wii | 1.22% (1) | |
PSP | 3.66% (3) | |
Nintendo 3DS | 0.00% (0) | |
Nintendo DS | 1.22% (1) | |
Nintendo | 3.66% (3) | |
I preffer read books... | 18.29% (15) |
82 votes cast

God of war
Sucks. Played it.

Erm, it's fine, I guess.

Gears of War = Killzone. No difference.

Erm, what? HA HA HA OH WOW

resistance 3
The one that takes 20-40 minutes to install before you can play?
And Killzone is kickass!

Why are you discussing system's online shit when there is a big difference between both hardwares. Btw Valve doesn't make games for ps3 because it's hardware is way too complicated, but Nathan Dog decided too work a little more harder with ps3 and made a brilliant game "Uncharted 2". I found video on YouTube. Gotta show ya later.
Did you just say that ps3s hardware is "way too complicated". and tried to use that as a way to say its hardware is better?? If its to complicated it sucks, meaning they cant make a simple fucking system that works great.. needing all this shit to make it to you "amazing."
Quality over quantity.. you sound like some gay "sony fanboy".
im on both sides i like both! just like i like mac and windows.. grow up and stop trying to be right, you sound completly retarded and look like a dumbass.
Its just a gaming console for fucks sake!
Keep calling me Sony fanboy, you look butthurt because you can't take the fact that ps3 is great, in my opinion it owns xbox.
People always invent simple things, like xbox. I get tired of it, invent something new.
saying im butthurt? lol kid i just said i liked both.. your deifiitly a sony fan boy
No it is not on pc, unless you use ps3 or psp emulator. It's available on PC anyway

-Apparently better graphics.
-Free online (paid stuff on store).
-Restrained to PS3 games only.

-No blur effects on graphics.
-Paid internet but free stuff online.
-Restrained to XBox360 games only.

-Every single eletronic-game of the world (as far as i know) available for it (emulators do the work quite good).
-Support for game controllers, and keyboard/mouse.
-Paid and relatively unlimited internet (unless you grab your neighbor's or whatever by wi-fi).
-Upgrade-able, so you can keep playing actual games without paying the price of a new console (that gets more expensive each release).
-Has everything a console has and really much more for a bit higher price.
PC all the way, otherwise, i prefer to read a book, they're quite good too.

PS3:-Apparently better graphics.
Barely noticeable. Not to mention that the only reason stuff would look "bad" is because developers think "We'll just console port it and hope it goes well".

Restrained to PS3 games only.
Unless you own an original 60GB model.

XBox360: -No blur effects on graphics.

Free online (paid stuff on store).

XBox360: -Paid internet but free stuff online.
You ARE A FUCKING IDIOT. X360 charges the same way as the PSN store does, only that the X360 is using a subscription service to get hold of services.
PS3 = Free online, free stuff
X360 = Paid Online, free stuff
If you don't understand that, then you must be RETARDED.

Restrained to XBox360 games only.
Some original xbox games work if you're lucky.
edited 1×, last 30.11.11 06:34:48 pm

-Every single eletronic-game of the world (as far as i know) available for it (emulators do the work quite good).
Good luck finding an Xbox/Xbox360/PS3 emulator. They don't exist.
The only worth PS3 exclusive is Haze, imo.
Watch whole video.

Closest thing to an Xbox 360 emulator:
Watch whole video.
Watch whole video.
Already in the Youtube comments but anyway, this guy deserves a fucking medal.
If you disagree with someone, You will call em an idiot? Pathetic.


Very weak indeed.

Nice flaming Doberman, lmao.
Thank you.

If you disagree with someone, You will call em an idiot?
Maybe if you read my post again (because YOU evidently didn't read it properly) you'll notice that I disagreed with ONE PART of Joaopcvcastro's post, which was about the free stuff.
I got an idea, how about I rephrase it because you guys can't read posts properly?
XBL = A service which is paid for
PSN = A service which is not paid for
What Joaopcvcastro posted was that the PSN does NOT HAVE FREE STUFF while the XBL service DOES HAVE FREE STUFF. Which is untrue.

It would be if I was using it incorrectly. But even then, it was more than fitting and appropriate.

So one part of my post which is angry must mean my whole post presents anger?

That's my opinion
And I'm more than entitled to my own as well.

i don't give a single fuck about what you think about it. 

You wouldn't post if you didn't.
Let this discussion die and the thread go back to it's original reason.