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English Request to ban Erik

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Should Erik be banned?

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56 votes cast

old Re: Request to ban Erik

BANNED Off Offline

user Majatek has written
Actually, screw going to bed for the moment, this is far more important.

user Mark Crimson has written
Don't ban Erik!
He good man

REALLY? After today it's pretty obvious that he needs to be banned and that he isn't a "good man".

Yeah you want me banned ? Can you tell us why ? After today ? what happened ? Idiot created thread and you are going to flame the shit out of me ?

old Re: Request to ban Erik

User Off Offline

user Mark Crimson has written
user Majatek has written
Actually, screw going to bed for the moment, this is far more important.

user Mark Crimson has written
Don't ban Erik!
He good man

REALLY? After today it's pretty obvious that he needs to be banned and that he isn't a "good man".

Why you want to ban him?
tell me a cause.

He's bigoted, he's an asshole, he calls other people names, he uses his dead father and mother as a crutch to his arguments, calls me a drunk fuck, said that I got my facts from my ass, that I'm addicted to smoking just because I enjoy the occasional puff, insulted console gamers, and has been generally a rude disrespectful forum troll the entire day. Well, not the entire day actually, most of the time he's been on here.
And that's just the condensed file of his rudeness. Can't be arsed typing it all down this late at night.

old Re: Request to ban Erik

BANNED Off Offline

user DannyDeth has written
You were flaming us, not vice versa. When UnrealSoftware doesn't like someone, THEY MAKE IT CLEAR!

Yeah that few idiots hates me doesnt mean whole unreal software hates me. You rambox fox sunny and yates are all idiots alltogether. I really look forward to see reaction of admins on this.

old Re: Request to ban Erik

User Off Offline

user Erik963 has written
user Majatek has written
Actually, screw going to bed for the moment, this is far more important.

user Mark Crimson has written
Don't ban Erik!
He good man

REALLY? After today it's pretty obvious that he needs to be banned and that he isn't a "good man".

Yeah you want me banned ? Can you tell us why ? After today ? what happened ? Idiot created thread and you are going to flame the shit out of me ?

You sure must have a short memory, well alright - Here's a quote to what I already replied to someone with that will explain why I would like to see you removed from this site:

user Majatek has written
user Mark Crimson has written
user Majatek has written
Actually, screw going to bed for the moment, this is far more important.

user Mark Crimson has written
Don't ban Erik!
He good man

REALLY? After today it's pretty obvious that he needs to be banned and that he isn't a "good man".

Why you want to ban him?
tell me a cause.

He's bigoted, he's an asshole, he calls other people names, he uses his dead father and mother as a crutch to his arguments, calls me a drunk fuck, said that I got my facts from my ass, that I'm addicted to smoking just because I enjoy the occasional puff, insulted console gamers, and has been generally a rude disrespectful forum troll the entire day. Well, not the entire day actually, most of the time he's been on here.
And that's just the condensed file of his rudeness. Can't be arsed typing it all down this late at night.

old Re: Request to ban Erik

User Off Offline

user palomino has written
What is the equation for an infinite mass meeting an unstoppable force?

You would not use an equation to describe that, AFAICR.

old Re: Request to ban Erik

Reviewer Off Offline

user Erik963 has written
You rambox fox sunny and yates are all idiots alltogether.

Says the person with his pathetic attempts to get me banned.

old Re: Request to ban Erik

BANNED Off Offline

user Yates has written
user Erik963 has written
You rambox fox sunny and yates are all idiots alltogether.

Says the person with his pathetic attempts to get me banned.

Is this supposed to be sarcasm. See the thread and see who wants who banned. You are nothing else just druged up fuck.

old Re: Request to ban Erik

User Off Offline

user Erik963 has written
whole unreal software hates me.

Yep, just go look in any thread and you will see the userbar.
We dislike trolls, we have had enough of this trollish oppression that has been going on ever since Ultr4Killer.

old Re: Request to ban Erik

User Off Offline

user Erik963 has written
user Yates has written
user Erik963 has written
You rambox fox sunny and yates are all idiots alltogether.

Says the person with his pathetic attempts to get me banned.

Is this supposed to be sarcasm. See the thread and see who wants who banned. You are nothing else just druged up fuck.

Add calling one of my friends a "drugged up fuck" to the list of insults you gave out today you troll.

old Re: Request to ban Erik

User Off Offline

Whats the point on banning him if he can create another.
EX: Oxy
edited 1×, last 09.09.11 05:10:38 pm

old Re: Request to ban Erik

Reviewer Off Offline

user Erik963 has written
user Yates has written
user Erik963 has written
You rambox fox sunny and yates are all idiots alltogether.

Says the person with his pathetic attempts to get me banned.

Is this supposed to be sarcasm. See the thread and see who wants who banned. You are nothing else just druged up fuck.

Drugged* And I don't use drugs, I smoke my ass off all day laughing at your retarded posts.
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