info.txt has written
- image("path",x,y,mode,[pl]) Creates an image (dynamic object) on the map and returns the ID.
Mode 0: floor image (covered by players etc)
Mode 1: top image (covering players)
Mode 2: HUD image (covering everything, part of the interface)
Mode 3: super top image (covering everything on the map)
Mode 101-132: draw under this player (id+100)
Mode 201-232: draw over this player (id+200)
Mode 133-164: draw over this player and over entities (id+132)
When drawing at player, x and y are used this way:
x<=0: do not rotate with player, x>0: rotate img with player
y<=0: only draw if not covered by fog of war, y>0: draw always
[pl] is an optional parameter. 0 (default value) means that
all players see this image. If you set it to a player ID then
only this player will see this image!
The command returns the ID of the dynamic object image!