ich brauche einen Knife Fight Script für meinen Counter-Strike 2D. Es wäre sehr nett, wenn ihr mir einen Script in download bereitstellt.
Danke in voraus.
edited 2×, last 27.07.11 12:29:31 pm
--[[ UNGETESTET!!! ]]-- seconds = 0 addhook("second","secondlol") function secondlol() if #player(0,"team1")==1 and #player(0,"team2")==1 then for _, all in ipairs(player(0,"tableliving")) do parse('hudtxt2 '..all..' 1 "©255000000Time remain: '..seconds..' " 550 200') timer(240,"giveknf",id) seconds = seconds+1 if seconds==25 then parse("killplayer "..all) end end end end function giveknf(id) parse("strip "..all) parse("setweapon "..id.." 50") end
addhook("die","func") addhook("select","noweapchange") addhook("endround","weapchange") function func() 	if #player(0,"team1living")==1 and #player(0,"team2living")==1 then 		parse("setweapon "..player(0,"team1living")[1].." 50") 		parse("setweapon "..player(0,"team2living")[1].." 50") 		knifes=true 		timer(20000, "restartround") 	end end function restartround() 	parse("restart 5") end function noweapchange(id,type) 	if knifes==true and type~=50 then parse("setweapon "..id.." 50") end end function weapchange() 	knifes=false end