I'm a big zombie fan and I'm always seeking to do something new and fun, related with zombies.
So I did a research and found lots of tools to literally zombiefy yourself.
Yes, I know, I know, you could just use Photoshop, GIMP or PhotoFiltre, but that would take much more time.
I made this thread so you can share pictures of you that have been zombiefied. Yes, real ones. Please don't try to be an asshole and do shit like posting fake pictures or ones with "Fuck you" and related crap because I don't want this thread to turn out

Here's the tools I used to zombiefy myself and that worked.
• Zombie Connect
• Zombie Creator
So I grabbed an old picture of me (well, not THAT old, was taken 1.5 or 2 years or so

Here's the result:

Enjoy zombiefying yourself and join the horde.