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old closed Re: Deleted Posts

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user Thailand PlayerS has written
@user Majatek:
Spoiler >

You make absolutely no sense, you're spamming up the threads with translated failure, and on top of all that you tried to call me an idiot.

Put simple: [link]

old closed Re: Deleted Posts

Obviously Exactly Myself
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user madmanking has written
Hey, my dear friends, I am a crazy diablo 3 fans. I have played this game series for more ten years. I have enjoyed the diablo 2 for several years before the releasing of diablo 3. I think this diablo 3 is harder than the formers in some occasion. This game need more diablo 3 gold and better diablo 3 items while you are fighting will the boss, or you will be killed in several seconds. But I always condused by my poor diablo 3 items and the shortage of diablo 3 gold. Fortunately, one of my diablo 3 fighting friends told me a good place to buy diablo 3 gold at a very cheap price. There are uncountable diablo 3 gold for sale. I have checked it before. The price here is more cheaper than any other place. After that, you can also buy diablo 3 items here. I do hope my advice can help you to gain a better game experience! Go! Let go to enjoy it together!


Heck no.

old closed Re: Deleted Posts

Obviously Exactly Myself
User Off Offline

And yeah, BTW, people don't create new threads to advertise anymore, why?
user madmanking has written
Hey, my dear friends, I am a crazy diablo 3 fans. I have played this game series for more ten years. I have enjoyed the diablo 2 for several years before the releasing of diablo 3. I think this diablo 3 is harder than the formers in some occasion. This game need more
diablo 3 gold and better diablo 3 items while you are fighting will the boss, or you will be killed in several seconds. But I always condused by my poor diablo 3 items and the shortage of diablo 3 gold. Fortunately, one of my diablo 3 fighting friends told me a good place to buy diablo 3 gold at a very cheap price. There are uncountable diablo 3 gold for sale. I have checked it before. The price here is more cheaper than any other place. After that, you can also buy diablo 3 items here. I do hope my advice can help you to gain a better game experience! Go! Let go to enjoy it together!

old closed Re: Deleted Posts

Reviewer Off Offline

Diablo is hack 'n' slay, not strategy.

Edit: Nvm, he's spamming.

old closed Re: Deleted Posts

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user Sparty has written
Why are you posting ads?

Might as well say "Why are you a bot?"

Because that's what it is. It posts ads because that's what it's scripted to do.

old closed Re: Deleted Posts

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user smellyDC has written
my fav drink is alcohol i drink it with vau mom we like it togather =]

I hope you die of liver poisoning, we really don't want to hear this kind of nonsense.

old closed Re: Deleted Posts

User Off Offline

You guys must love doing your maths or something o.o
if i was trying to do that i would get the Rope ready to hang my self >.>

Admin/mod comment


old closed Neue Waffen

nabil borkowski
User Off Offline

Tolle Ideen für Waffen,wäre gut wenn es die jetzt schon gäbe.Aber die gibt es erst in neuen cs2d 1.2.1 ∗ ∗ ∗

old closed Re: Deleted Posts

Reviewer Off Offline

user hobo man445 has written
Thank you. The internet wasn't ready for the word "fucking".


Btw, you must learn Lua first. Just search for Lua programs like SciTE. Windows's WordPad works, too.
edited 1×, last 10.07.12 03:05:33 pm
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