
VeGaNations has written
I don't think anyone would want to steal that. But as you see, there is one person.
kuriboh331 is the original author. see:

GafbI4 is the thief, not the original author: (now deleted)
he uploaded the same thing 5 days later.

My suggestion ban this two guys Quit and Levon they make me shame because quit it's my admin server but levon it's not
Quit and levon stole 2 script in 1 times (1 zip i mean)
Better you ban quit 5 days and levon 5 days because they stole 2 script x 5 = 10 : 2 = 5 days
ban quit in community banned for 5 days because if you give banned for 5 days he can't play on my server for 5 days
ban levon what ever it's your choice i dosen't care it
edited 1×, last 19.03.11 03:17:16 pm
xlSmilelx has written
Better you ban quit 5 days and levon 5 days because they stole 2 script x 5 = 10 : 2 = 5 days
Why x5?
Yates has written
Why x5?
xlSmilelx has written
Better you ban quit 5 days and levon 5 days because they stole 2 script x 5 = 10 : 2 = 5 days
Why x5?
ow maybe permanently banned? haha maybe dc will not do that because icetennis has been stole 3 lua script and spamming but he just get 2 days ban -.- i just ask for more Ban Days not like only 2 days for the icetennis!
lol..its kinda obvious that this guy named Apache stole it.
its probably the same one that DC temp. banned.
Just incase he deletes, here two pics..
unfortunately we can't check the authenticity anymore without the original file. sorry.
Then you could report and the person will still be punished?
If something has been trashed you can see if it has been copied, or any other reason. And if it's not of any use, you can just remove it all together?

Because I'm awesome.
0A has written
Because I'm awesome.
Think again! xP
I do the same, maybe DC or a mod looks and deletes or the person deletes himself. But you can never know since they don't respond. (Sometimes they do)
Yates has written
So, why don't you make a trashed file archive.
If something has been trashed you can see if it has been copied, or any other reason. And if it's not of any use, you can just remove it all together?
If something has been trashed you can see if it has been copied, or any other reason. And if it's not of any use, you can just remove it all together?
we simply don't do any mistakes in future. that's easier. problem solved. no more discussions in here please

DC has written
I'm very sorry if the wrong file got deleted but these things can happen. we all do mistakes.
unfortunately we can't check the authenticity anymore without the original file. sorry.
unfortunately we can't check the authenticity anymore without the original file. sorry.
But why long time ago you delet the iceman files without the original files -.- you still delet it and it's 3 FILES -.- simply this only a edited files and it's only 1 files why you dosen't want to delet it? if you download it the stolen files and i will give the original files you will see some same script but only the letter is not same because the stealer is change it -.-
Moreover I asked everyone to stop discussions here. this thread is for reporting only. thank you.