
Until December we have to wait.
w0lt has written
and you do it? sow paste me)
I'm still working on the mod, but I don't post any previews anymore in this topic. Just wait till december for the release.
In your second post,in this thread,the preview of the laser rifle,dont work.;)

wolfy has written
this mod looks really cool i espacialy like the gauntlet.i was wondering if for one of the guns like the p90 you could the railway rifle
just a suggestion

About the railway rifle; It's more like a precision weapon than an fast smg. This weapon is not featured yet in the list (starter's post) but could possibly be set for G3SG1 or SG550. Ofcourse when the mod is released you can edit names of the files so they fit other weapon positions in your favor.
It's a pity that fallout 3 only got one model smg. (10mm submachine gun). But maybe in add-on versions I'll add concepts of weapons like "Chinese SMG", "Vintage Rifle", "Plasma/Laser SMG" etc. In order to fully edit all weapon slots.
@ w0lt: I can do all what is listed in the first post, but needs some time, probably (end) december the first version will be released. (However, trusty players with good feedback and innovations will get the early bèta version.)
KaiserWilhelm has written
did I here beta version for trusting players that give good feedback?
*Sigh* Why nobody reads the starter's post. On half november this distrubiting event begins, actually when my real-life internship at a building site placement ends on 13th november, This is how it's going to work:
On 14th november you can get a P.M message in your inbox, people participated in this topic with suggestions and good behaviour will possibly have a invitation to this test version.

Meaning when you get the beta version it will confirm your name in the credits. BUT! Distributing the beta version to others or publishing it on the internet before the initial release on december will get you scrapped from the credits, plus further help will be neglected/ignored. So it's quite an responsibility.

I actually wanted to post this in the weekend, but now you mentioned it, I'll do it right away.

(It is not releasing till around december)

probly shitty idea but you know the wpn semi-hidden in the musem of history "Lincon's Repeater' you could add that as well what ever

playa slaya has written
jack the ripper oh yea no use "Jack" as the chainsaw

@ wolfy: This is the reason why I chose "Autoaxe" above the "Ripper", The ripper is actually an average sized weapon for a powerful chainsaw. Autoaxe is bigger, and the base model more looks like a woodcutting machine than the ripper. You hold the autoaxe with two hands while you hold the ripper with one hand.
Also the weapon "Jack" is the SAME model as "Ripper" and you can't edit weapon names in cs2d so you never see difference between an ripper and jack.
(Same goes for the hunting rifle and ol' painless OR laser pistol and protectron's gaze OR scoped .44 magnum and blackhawk OR combat shotgun and terrible shotgun OR sniper rifle and victory rifle OR Laser rifle and wazer rifle.. etc! I can keep saying this like 10 times more. Most unique's are the same model but got different value's and names in fallout 3.)