@ ipoleacs: Depends, mostly 3 hours (!) for the whole AER9 Laser Rifle, + drop, + resized drop and equip images. Mostly I make the skins in the weekends when I got spare time. (nowadays very busy with school and work.)
Armors are going to be changed too, I have a list on my other computer which got the whole idea's worked out for the most of the armors. (Like chinese stealth suit in fallout 3 for stealth suit etc.)
@ Jonzku777: Maybe making the $ (Dollar) sign in cs2d Hud to BC (BottleCaps), I don't know really. Items like Cash, Coins and Gold can be converted into piles of bottlecaps which is also an option.
@ playa slaya: Nice, can you send me an preview or thumbnail of some of the splashes?