
22 repliescan you tell me how to do it?
And now. Launch Warcraft 3 Frozen Throne. Go to and connect using your username/password. Then go to Custom Game>Create Game and choose as map Dota all stars. Or you can join a server. That's how you do it

Or if you are using Garena Client. Launch Garena. Log in. Then choose a Warcraft RPG room. After that click "start game". If you're doing it for the first time, it will require to fill in the path to war3.exe. Mine is C:\Program Files\Warcraft 3\war3.exe. Then the game will start. And you will click on Local Area Network. There you can join a server or create one.
Hope it helps.
Man i danged my self for not running that map

and if i join a server where Dota were played the host kicks me.
and my internet conection is lame:(
But I am one step closer because of

Silent_Control has written
yes, it is online.
You can play the map offline too... but the bots are imba for noobs =D

In my warcraft 3 bots are just too good
Dont know what is the problem with them
i played with my friend copy but in that bots were so noobish that they wont take on the gold mine next to them
but will destroy my base to get the gold mine
i'm not very good at it though, i just need a bit of practice
edited 1×, last 18.08.09 10:30:11 pm
Vibhor has written
Bots huh
In my warcraft 3 bots are just too good
Dont know what is the problem with them
i played with my friend copy but in that bots were so noobish that they wont take on the gold mine next to them
but will destroy my base to get the gold mine
In my warcraft 3 bots are just too good
Dont know what is the problem with them
i played with my friend copy but in that bots were so noobish that they wont take on the gold mine next to them
but will destroy my base to get the gold mine
We talk about dota and not the classic wc3

I dont like Dota anymore. It is boring now because everyone was hosting it ( there were often like 10-15 open dota games-.-) i changed the server after there were only dota gamer online...
they are completly anti-noob, which is bad because i am a noob
The community here is very friendful and willing to help new players. On i was banned on every server when I first played. When I moved on Garena, the guys on servers supported me, told me what items to use, recipes etc and now I can say that I am an average player :). If you want we can make a 1 vs 1 hazy on Garena.
many maps doesn't work now.