
Space Rangers 2:Reboot
9 replies

2 years space rangers 1 and 1 year space rangers 2 : reboot
i have played it and its not freeware
The graphics are good
and it take more space than a freeware
This means You are ILLEGAL

BTW : No , i don't know the game.It sounds like some strategy or something.
Th3 Snip3r has written
Do you know *censored* if you know it it's bulgarian site.
I don't know Bulgarian language but when I saw "Torrents" I was like "OMG!".
Dude, that's a illegal site! Read the rules. Cracks, torrents, serials and stuff are illegal and lead to a ban. Watch out if DC catches that.
edited 1×, last 13.08.09 11:14:52 pm
Admin/mod comment
Read the rules yourself please. Don't behave like a moderator. /TheKilledDeath@Th3 Snip3r
I have played it
its kind of rpg-ish type space game which involves trading of goods and completing mission
pretty fun
Admin/mod comment
Stop it now. /TheKilledDeath