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Help with BattleSpace?
Help with BattleSpace?
4 replies Well, I was downloading DGX4192 Battle space to my computer from Mr. Keks. And, It worked out fine. I changed the language to English. Tuned it up to my style. But one thing I can't get is how do you select a ship? all it does for me is just watch ships. not get in a ship. Help?
I KNOW THAT THERE IS ANOTHER TOPIC ABOUT THE GAME IN THE GERMAN SECTION. But I don't speak German. yeah, it happens to me too. I managed somehow to select a ship, but after I've played it again once more I forgot how to select a ship
. So, i have the same problem as you
A way that always works for new complicated games
Just press All the buttons on the mouse and keyboard Vibhor, did you play this game? just click on a Startpoint on the map
and then you spawn , its easy