In Romania I start the 10th grade on the 15th of September.

When Do You Start School?
14 replies

In Romania I start the 10th grade on the 15th of September.
Now seriously.
Same as Romania

edited 1×, last 05.08.09 12:41:49 pm
Reaper has written
7th of december Vienna/Austra but it's differnt in some states.
7th of december!!! Omg, I hate you! ^_^. JK, but this means you've got a big vacation.

Silent_Control has written
7th of december!!! Omg, I hate you! ^_^. JK, but this means you've got a big vacation.
Reaper has written
7th of december Vienna/Austra but it's differnt in some states.
7th of december!!! Omg, I hate you! ^_^. JK, but this means you've got a big vacation.

fixed, 7th of september is correct.

i hate it

Scary public high school... xP