
It's also because I like cats.
What I did was to pick my favorite pet just manipulate the word "Cat" in my own language Swedish which means "Katt" I just shortend it to Kat and I guess you can make fun of that too since that's like short for Katherine in the US/UK and probably everywhere now. However that's not what I was going for, I got like influenced by Cats and KitKat basicly when I was creating my nickname.
I have accepted that there is more KimKat's in this world on YouTube, Facebook, etc. I've also become friends with another KimKat which is weird... but that's just how it is.

I just have to say it with wisdome: "don't be surprised if you see another you".

GhostFreak has written
my story is: i watch cartoon ben 10 so i know all names of all aliens in cartoon, one is named ghostfreak (ghost), so one day i was playing one one server and took that armor for invisiblity and machete, so i was killing everyone like a ghost freak
thats my story...

How about your real nick: Bbecic
TheKilledDeath has written
Stop this. DC will decide. No argues about his "real" nick.
DC will decide what his name is? -cries of dictatorship-
Lol, just believe him people!
Hoshi Korosawa has written
DC will decide what his name is? -cries of dictatorship-
Lol, just believe him people!
TheKilledDeath has written
Stop this. DC will decide. No argues about his "real" nick.
DC will decide what his name is? -cries of dictatorship-
Lol, just believe him people!
Omg...OK! I give up...
So, Hoshi, what was your nick's story?Was it something related to the game EV Nova?
Hoshi Korosawa has written
DC will decide what his name is? -cries of dictatorship-
Lol, just believe him people!
TheKilledDeath has written
Stop this. DC will decide. No argues about his "real" nick.
DC will decide what his name is? -cries of dictatorship-
Lol, just believe him people!
what about you... =.= silent_control is right.

Hoshi Korosawa has written
Nil'Kemorya ftw. Warrior caste of the Polaris Empire in a game called EV Nova. No one plays it, but it is damn good.
EV Nova > Races > Polaris > Warrior Caste named "Nil'Kemorya"
That is my story for Nil'Kemorya...
Hoshi Korosawa is just a useless email address I use for random crap lol.
Wth, I was supporting silent_control
GhostFreak has written
my story is: i watch cartoon ben 10 so i know all names of all aliens in cartoon, one is named ghostfreak (ghost), so one day i was playing one one server and took that armor for invisiblity and machete, so i was killing everyone like a ghost freak
thats my story...

Yeah, I like Ben 10 too.
Ghost Freak, eh.

I love that character. People would make poop in their pants if they see what's in G. Freak's "bottoms".

XLR8 (it reads Accelerate, X-acc/LR-ler/8-ate so don't come with XLR9 crap xD) is nice too. I used his name in my nickname, sometimes.
Ben 10: Alien Force rocks too. I love when he turns in random different aliens, different form the original 10. Like Alien Werewolf (that is only seen in one episode of Ben 10).
@KimKat: You've explained us the history of the secound part of your name, Kat.
But why Kim?
BTW: I love Swedish.

edited 1×, last 03.08.09 11:29:31 pm
KimKat has written
@New Rex:
Please call me Xt3ND3d or Xtd pr Xt3 (as you can see @ my signature.
KimKat has written
I guess I'm worth it for having such a simple but yet brilliant nickname.
Yeah, that's good! I got 4 words for you:
Keep It Simple, Always.
Besides, I'm a little bit perfectionist

I keep it nice , tidy and simple.Not with additional leetspeak shit.

XMaZaX has written
It's just came from my real name and i changed it to MaZa because people were calling me Masa. so I made Nickname MaZa, BUT because it was nearly allways taken in every place so i decited to put these "X" letters there and then its usually not taken. 

on bulgarian maza is store.
I'm too lazy to talk about my other 999 billion nicknames.

So Xt3ND3d was a random idea that floated through my brain waves.

Seriously, I thought about "Extend", since I love "X" I put Xtended and I though: "Too basic".
Then Xtend3d. I googled it and then, when I saw the results I said to myself: "Hmmm... not unique".
Then Xt3nd3d - "Finally, unique!" (Really, click here). Well, not 100% unique so I added a L33t touch and made it Xt3ND3d.
It's also based on uPrAte6.


Google it, you find me everywhere

only a guy named guiseppe siomonte or something